The Fix is In for Ghislaine Maxwell Case, Details Emerge About Dem Op Judge


Judge Allison Nathan is currently presiding over the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, the partner and alleged co-conspirator of the many atrocities and crimes of Jeffrey Epstein. New revelations about Judge Nathan are seriously disturbing legal scholars, journalists, and court-watchers alike as her political connections are shown to run deep and her bias is unmistakable.

Consider that Judge Nathan early in the trial granted a highly unusual motion for the defense, allowing “sensational and impure” information from the trial to be redacted from the public record and forbidding the press to report upon them as reported by Jack Posobiec of Human Events. Rather than trusting the American people with the facts of one of the most egregious and despicable cases of child sex trafficking in over a century that touches more of the power-elite than any scandal since Watergate, Judge Nathan has decided that she knows better and the American people are incapable of discerning that which is “sensational and impure”…

A Rising Judge On The Democrats’ Bench

But far more curiously, Judge Nathan’s star is definitely on the rise, just a week before the trial began Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer brought Biden’s nomination of Nathan to the US 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals before the Senate, apparently on the basis of her sexual orientation.

As The Dallas Voice reported,

“President Biden on Wednesday, Nov. 17, nominated a second lesbian, Alison Nathan, to serve on the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. The U.S. Senate on Nov. 1 confirmed Biden’s first lesbian nominee to the Second Circuit: Beth Robinson of Vermont. The Second Circuit includes Vermont, New York, and Connecticut. That confirmation marked the first time an openly LGBTQ woman had been appointed to a federal appeals circuit seat.”

Judge Nathan’s long-term connections to the depths of the Democrat party are far more profound than many might imagine. The Gateway Pundit revealed that Nathan was appointed to the federal bench by President Barack Obama in 2011, and prior to that appointment had clerked for the late Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens. Stevens, worked as counsel to the Attorney General of New York State and served the Obama White House as Associate WH Counsel and Special Assistant to the President. In 2004, Nathan even served on the campaign of then-Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

Schumer in his 2011 recommendation cited Judge Nathan’s “experience, legal brilliance, love of the rule of law and perspective,” and called her “outstanding.”


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