Breaking: Trump Issues Grave Warning


Former President Donald Trump has issued a statement with a grave warning for Republicans in the Senate: don’t agree to the left’s radical “infrastructure” deal.

The left has always been great at redefining words, and this situation is no different. Somehow, infrastructure, which originally referred to projects like roads and bridges, now is such a broad term that it includes free child care and climate change policies.

Senator Ted Cruz has called the left out on this ridiculousness before, stating: “You look at Joe Biden’s supposed infrastructure bill, over $2 trillion. Do you know how much of that infrastructure goes to building roads and bridges? Five percent. Ninety-five percent of the ‘infrastructure’ bill is spending money on things other than roads and bridges.”

With the so-called “infrastructure” bill being debated, Donald Trump has a message for Senate Republicans.

In a statement, the former president urged Senate Republicans not to agree to an infrastructure deal “until after we get proper election results.”

Since a 60-vote supermajority is required for most legislation thanks to the filibuster, and the Senate is split 50-50, Democrats need to compromise with Republicans in order to pass the infrastructure bill.

Trump is basically requesting that the GOP stall the legislation until after the 2022 midterms, likely hoping that Republicans take back control of both chambers of Congress.

“Don’t do the infrastructure deal, wait until after we get proper election results in 2022 or otherwise, and regain a strong negotiating stance,” Trump said.

Here is Trump’s full statement:

“Senate Republicans are being absolutely savaged by Democrats on the so-called ‘bipartisan’ infrastructure bill. Mitch McConnell and his small group of RINOs wants nothing more than to get a deal done at any cost to prove that he can work with the Radical Left Democrats. It is so important to him that he is agreeing to almost anything. Don’t do the infrastructure deal, wait until after we get proper election results in 2022 or otherwise, and regain a strong negotiating stance. Republicans, don’t let the Radical Left play you for weak fools and losers!”


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