WTH Did Joe Biden Just Say?

The video you are about to see would have resulted in worldwide outrage had it been done when Donald Trump was in office.

Remember the outrage when Trump had the square cleared of rioters for his photo op?

Well, where is the outrage over Biden having an entire city cleared for his photo op?

Get Them Out of Here!

The moment Joe Biden announced he was going to El Paso, TX, the cleanup operation was ordered.

Migrants that had created a tent city on the streets of El Paso were apprehended and removed from the streets.

Then the cleanup party started, making the city spic and span for Joe Biden to arrive…

CBP says this was business as usual, stating, “CBP, which is responsible for securing the US border between ports of entry, uses a layered approach that includes patrolling the border itself, nearby areas and neighborhoods and conducting checkpoints.

“In response to migrants evading apprehension in the El Paso area, the United States Border Patrol increased the number of agents patrolling the area.”

So, to my knowledge, this is the first time that CBP has patrolled the streets of El Paso for this specific reason.

This was a cleanup, so where is the outrage from the left?


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