Antifa Anarchist Torches Bank


The “anonymous” anarchist who torched a Bank of America branch decided to tease the defunded Police in Portland, Oregon. Since they were left without a clue, the Antifa® brand arsonist gave them some. They went on a radical social media site to claim responsibility for the fire, “as retaliation for the recent arrests of six alleged domestic terrorists in Atlanta.

Anarchist likes to brag

In the early morning hours of December 31, around 3:15 a.m., the Bank of America branch at Southeast 37th Avenue and Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard went up in flames.

An anonymous anarchist “reportedly affiliated with Antifa has claimed responsibility.” No injuries were reported in the two-alarm fire.

Portland police confirmed that the Portland Fire Investigations Unit is still investigating the cause but they’re pretty sure it was arson. That was confirmed when the anarchist admitted it. Journalist Andy Ngo was the one to break that story.

As Ngo reveals, the arsonist made a statement on the blog “Abolition Media” claiming: “Last night I broke into a Bank of America in Portland, Oregon and started a large fire. According to news reports, the fire grew quickly and took firefighters more than an hour to extinguish.

He had a good reason. “I attack for revenge against capital for the hell it creates, to break the illusion of police control that usually protects it, and just because I can.” He did.

Bank of America funds the Atlanta Police Foundation and a thousand other projects of control.” To today’s modern anarchist, money is the root of all evil, unless it’s in their hands.

Six friends in Atlanta

Torching a bank seemed to the anarchist like the best way to protest the arrest of some buddies. “Earlier that day,” Ngo reported, “the six friends in Atlanta charged with ‘domestic terrorism‘ were released from jail. May this fire bring them some warmth in winter,” the firebug declared. He ended with “Long live anarchy!

Portland Police are on it. They informed Fox News that their detectives “are considering any and all potential evidence as they pursue the suspect or suspects in the recent bank arson that caused significant damage to the building.” They may even catch the anarchist.

Getting a prosecutor to prosecute and a public defender to defend him will be the next big challenges, after they find him. The public defender shortage has resulted in case after case being simply tossed, including major felonies.


Prosecutors hand picked by George Soros tend to let anarchists slide along without having to actually go to court or anything. As part of his blog post, the anarchist also noted that he copied the arson responsibility claim on “Scenes from the Atlanta Forest,” a blog “referring to left-wing resistance against the future site of a police training center in the woods outside Atlanta.” The Antifa community set up one of their kingdoms there.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation conducted a raid on December 13 at a location referred to as the ‘Autonomous Zone‘ near the forested location of the future Atlanta Public Safety Training Center.

That spot “had been occupied by far-left extremists who had traveled from other parts of the country in an attempt to prevent the construction of the facility.” The individuals “were arrested at a protest at the location after protesters threw rocks at police cars and attacked EMT workers with rocks and bottles at a fire station near the site.” The anarchist protesters had Molotov cocktails and explosives with them too.


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