Anti-Trump RINO Calls It Quits!


    Here’s some good news that conservatives can cheer about: it looks like anti-Trump RINO Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) has decided to call it quits. Buck recently made the announcement that he would not be seeking re-election as the Republican Party continues to grapple with internal tension.

    This comes after two long and contentious battles for the Speaker’s position that further exposed the deep divisions within the GOP.

    Among those eight Republicans who opposed former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, Rep. Buck was also not willing to support Rep Jim Jordan (R-OH). When asked about his own decision on Wednesday, November 1, during an interview, he said, “I have decided, Andrea, I’m not going to seek re-election.”

    In addition, he cited his displeasure with Congress as a whole claiming they all have failed to effectively address major issues such as Israeli funding and Ukraine funding. He made sure to point out that there needs to be unity among the party “if we’re going to solve difficult problems.”

    We can only assume this played into his decision making process when deciding whether or not it’s time for him step away from politics.

    Before entering politics, Rep. Buck worked for the U.S Department of Justice before later serving as a prosecutor with the U.S Attorney’s Office in Colorado. In 2010 he ran for U.S Senate but was narrowly defeated by Democrat Michael Bennet in 2014 however, he successfully won election into U S House of Representatives representing Colorado’s 4th congressional district.

    One thing is certain though–he never shied away from voicing his opinions on matters important to him and wrote a book titled “Drain The Swamp: How Washington Corruption is Worse than You Think” where he discussed his views on government inefficiencies and corruption.

    Hopefully we can find someone who better aligns with conservatives values to fill the role.


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