Vaccine Experts For We the People Take Stage This Saturday


Vaccine experts who have to fight censorship and political intrigue in order to bring the truth to We the People will be taking the stage. Mark your calendar for Saturday’s “rally with the doctors.” People’s Convoy organizers will be hosting the event live from their encampment March 26, from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. EST.

We the People Q&A

Along with two of the vaccine experts who are part of team We the People, co-organizer Brian Brase will take the stage for an open question and answer session. If you want to drop by Hagerstown Speedway in Maryland for the event, day parking is outside the venue along the surface streets.

Live-streamers will be beaming it out for the whole world to see but the videos appearing on places like YouTube and Facebook aren’t expected to stay up for long. They love to label the truth as “medical misinformation” so they can censor it away from discussion.

The city acknowledges an uneasy truce with the People’s Convoy, noting that We the People actually understand the meaning of the phrase “peaceful protest.” Their freaked out officials have every police officer on the force all standing by and expecting Armageddon to break out any moment. Up until now, the only adverse events were caused by police closing freeway exits out of an abundance of panic.

There have been a couple engineered incidents meant to discredit the calm and effective convoy participants. Just about all of them have Daily Beast reporter Zachary Petrizzo hovering around the edges to tweet about it. That’s about the only “news” the networks are putting out.

D.C. Democrats are so terrified of We the People that “the city has been using additional resources to ensure that the demonstration isn’t too disruptive. A source with MPD says they have deployed their Civil Disturbance Unit.

Rolling down the freeway is perfectly legal. So is visiting downtown to see the sights. As long as they aren’t blocking traffic or causing trouble, the law is on their side. Every time the police have had to respond to something convoy related, the other party was found at fault for any disruption.

Waving flags to cheer them on

Counts vary widely but “hundreds” of trucks, joined by vehicles of all shapes and sizes met up in Adelanto, California almost a month ago. We the People made their way through the heartland of America with crowds lining the overpasses, waving flags to cheer them on.

They ended the journey at Hagerstown, Maryland, March 4, and have been regularly circling the beltway ever since. They don’t seem to cause much fuss when they keep to I-495 but as soon as they head downtown, even after giving police a heads up of their detailed plans for the day, the response is dramatic.

The livestreams are virtually all the solid news coming out of We the People events. The latest misinformation from Daily Beast has been the false claim that the convoy wants to start making citizens’ arrests. Only in the fantasies of Zachary Petrizzo.


One of the higher profile participant’s happened to ask a specific question about if that could be done in certain specific circumstances and suddenly Petrizzo is warped back in time to 2013, when Earl Conlon was predicting the T2SDA truckers were about to “circle the beltway three lanes deep” then make “citizens’ arrests” of congress members for failing to uphold their oaths of office. As tempting an idea as it may seem, none of that is on the table this time around. D.C. is terrified of Ottawa and the convoy is cowed by January 6. Everyone promises to stay inside the lines officially. Anyone who breaks the rules is not with People’s Convoy, they are rogue and deserve any consequences they have coming.

Of course, “When you gather 1000, 1500 people, you’re gonna have 1500 different opinions or different 1500 different reasons for being out,” Rick Daniels observes.

He joined up from Wisconsin with a diesel towing a “trailer with mottoes like ‘Peace, love, hope, and freedom‘ and ‘Stop abusing the Emergency Powers Act.’” People fly the bird at him all the time for it but he’s fighting for their right to do so. “They think it’s a Trump rally and unfortunately, that’s just not what our purpose is here.


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