They Flag Driver Down, Moments Later, Bone Chilling Events Take Place


A couple appearing in need of help was trying to flag one San Antonio, Texas driver down from the side of the road early Monday morning. The man driving to the local gas and convenience store never expected to get bushwhacked like Davy Crockett at the Alamo.

The old ‘flag down’ flimflam

The San Antonio, Texas man in his 40’s driving to the local store at 2:00 a.m. in the morning obviously wasn’t as on guard as much as he should have been. If it wasn’t for the woman trying to flag him down, he would have kept on rolling. Instead, the man decided to be a good Samaritan and pulled over. He fell for the oldest flimflam in the book and was instantly ambushed.

According to a spokesperson for the San Antonio Police Department, “the incident happened around 2 a.m. Monday in the 8100 block of Marbach Road on the west side.” That’s when “the victim, a man in his 40s, was driving to a gas station from his house when he saw a man and a woman flagging him down.” The police report that the driver informed them, he “thought they needed help, so he pulled over. Then he was shot.”

Authorities haven’t released the name of the victim but when police arrived on the scene, he was able to “point out the male suspect to officers.” The woman who helped flag him down managed to elude capture. When cops arrived, the male was “standing in the distance.” The bullet hit his shoulder but ricocheted upward and grazed his head.

The suspect took off

As soon as the fraudulent flag waver noticed all the cops suddenly looking in his direction, he took off as fast as his sneakers could carry him. He didn’t make it far. “The suspect took off on foot and a police chase took place. Authorities were able to catch up with the man after he jumped a fence and ended up on a basketball court.”

The investigation never turned up any legitimate reason for the couple to flag the driver down. They aren’t real sure yet what the motive was either. It could have been basic garden variety robbery but might have just as easily been more sinister.

At least San Antonio police actually believe in law and order. Not only that, their city officials give them the money they need to perform their duties to protect the public. “The man was arrested and police found the gun used in the shooting. They also said they found drugs.” The victim went to the nearest hospital and paramedics describe his injuries as “potentially life-threatening.” One thing is certain. He will never stop for anyone trying to flag him down again.


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