Home Crime and Justice The Mysterious Case of a Missing Hitman

The Mysterious Case of a Missing Hitman


Beltran Leyva cartel hitman Edgar Valdez-Villareal is supposed to be in jail. Back in 2015, “La Barbie” was sentenced to 49 years in prison. The feds shipped him to a facility in Florida and everyone forgot about him. Since then, he quietly “disappeared.” Nobody can account for his whereabouts and Mexico is demanding answers.

Hitman listed as ‘released’

Notorious drug cartel leader” Edgar Valdez-Villareal is a convicted hitman. Sentenced for “torturing and decapitating dozens of victims.

They called the now 49-year-old, “La Barbie,” for his blonde hair and boyish looks which made him look like a “Ken doll.” He “vanished from the federal prison database, despite not being up for release until 2056.

Nobody is sure if the hitman is running around loose or not. All they do know is that he was released to “somewhere” and listed as “not in BOP custody.” The Bureau of Prisons insists it isn’t necessarily as bad as it sounds. They can’t offer anything more assuring than that, though.

They turned him loose on November 27 and can’t say why. They explain in their defense that they “frequently” list inmates as “released” when “they have been transferred to the custody of another group.” BOP just can’t say which group.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador isn’t buying that. Last week, he demanded “answers about the missing criminal” in a big press conference. Usually he’s the one being accused of “hiding the hitman” games and he’s thrilled to have a chance to turn the tables on Uncle Sam.

It’s very strange what is going on in the United States with Mr. Villareal, who is no longer registered among those in custody, and we want to know where he is.” Americans want to know where he is too. Some say, half-jokingly, that Merrick Garland hired him to take care of Elon Musk.

Some kind of agreement

There must be “some kind of agreement,” Obrador insisted to reporters. That’s the only possibility which makes any sense.

There is no reason for him to leave prison because he was condemned to many years unless there was some kind of an agreement.” Having a hitman unaccounted for is just a little embarrassing to Joe Biden’s handlers but they’re managing to cover it up well, so far.

The cartel hitman wouldn’t have any trouble at blending in because he was born in Texas. For now, the BOP isn’t saying a word. They’re waiting to hear from a good lawyer first.

We do not provide specific information on the status of inmates who are not in the custody of the BOP for safety, security or privacy reasons.” They better think of something pretty quick to tell the house lawmakers, who are about to come after them like a pack of howling watchdogs.

It’s not good to have a hitman unaccounted for. Especially one with as impressive a resume as La Barbie collected. “The young man soon got involved in organized crime, reportedly working with various drug cartels until he joined the Sinaloa cartel under El Chapo.

By that time, he had already become notorious for torturing and decapitating his victims, often filming the violence.” Mark Zuckerberg would give him a Facebook live feed if he wanted to live-stream his work at Twitter, tin-foil hat types chuckle. That’s something liberals wouldn’t bother to censor.



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