Someone Wants All Addicts Dead


Nobody in the mainstream network news is going to report that somebody wants to kill off all the opioid addicts. But, when you look at the stories they do print, it becomes glaringly obvious that’s exactly what’s going on. There’s no other logical reason for the 1,066 percent fentanyl seizure increase reported by the South Texas branch of the Customs and Border Protection agency.

Addicts overdosing in droves

What better way to solve the problem of heroin addicts, once and for all, killing off all the junkies with their own preferred poison. Someone high on the Deep State food chain seems to have a drastic solution to an annoying social problem.

Heroin lost it’s luster as a chic party drug decades ago, so there’s no real push for decriminalization. People hooked on doctor prescribed pain killers, left in the lurch by activist lawsuits, are forced to scrounge their dope on the streets now, with deadly consequences. That might be a set-up.

The latest report from the border patrol confirms that there is a flood of fentanyl coming across the wide open and un-defended border. They only catch a fraction of what moves through but what they did grab is up a whopping “1,066 percent” from last year.

Cities and towns from coast-to-coast are overwhelmed by the cost of anti-overdose drug Narcan, from all the addicts in the neighborhood who end up with fentanyl, and way too much of it, when they’re expecting something else but similar.

Agents at eight ports from Brownsville to Del Rio piled up 588 pounds of fentanyl. It’s known as “the deadliest drug in the United States,” because addicts aren’t ready for something “50 times more powerful than heroin.”

Making the problem a whole lot worse, it’s “extremely cheap to produce.” That means the maker doesn’t care how much gets caught or flushed down the toilet on the way to the consumer. The profits still flow back. Meanwhile, if one of the customers stops breathing once in a while, less burden to the prison system, theft insurance industry, and average law-abiding citizen. It seems.

A quarter of a milligram

An amount of fentanyl you can hardly see can kill. Only “a quarter of a milligram is enough to kill a person.” That’s deadly dangerous to addicts. “Frequently, people buy other drugs not knowing they are laced with fentanyl.”

According to official statistics, the government “has seized enough fentanyl this year to give every American a lethal dose.” With saturation exposure like that, it’s no surprise that “the overdose epidemic in the U.S.” has become “a national crisis.”

Between May 2020 and April 2021, more than 100,000 addicts died from drug overdoses in America. Experts blame part of that on the pandemic. The CDC calls that a new record. “The US drug epidemic exploded while Americans were locked down.” The rise is blamed on one substance. Fentanyl.

“Synthetic opioids like fentanyl — 50-100 times more potent than morphine — accounted for the bulk of those deaths, around 64,000.” During the Covid crisis, “those already taking drugs may take higher amounts and those in recovery may relapse. It’s a phenomenon we’ve seen and perhaps could have predicted,” Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse relates.

Chemicals, the experts explain, “used to make the drug are often shipped from China to the US or Mexico. Cartels in Mexico smuggle the drugs into the US.” The biggest problem is that “Fentanyl is being mixed in with other illicit drugs to increase the potency of the drug, sold as powders and nasal sprays, and increasingly pressed into pills made to look like legitimate prescription opioids.”

With legitimate pain meds under such intense security now, virtually anything found on the street is a knock off, which probably contains fentanyl. If your goal was to eliminate addicts by causing them to overdose, then those are the kinds of overwhelming odds for success Los Vegas casinos can only fantasize about.


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