Pelosi Bombshell: There’s Something We Have Not Been Told

Megyn Kelly
Photo via YouTube Video Screenshot

Megyn Kelly seems to have a problem with the Paul Pelosi investigation being conducted by the San Francisco PD.

Honestly, she is far from the only one.

When a man is arrested in his underwear with Paul Pelosi and Nancy is not home, you can see how the questions start to arise.

Something Doesn’t Smell Right

Kelly stated, “I know enough to smell a rat.

“I feel like at a minimum, the SFPD has egg on its face because even under the most generous story to Paul Pelosi and to the San Francisco police, they were in the house when this guy attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer.

“I’m not sure how that happened.

“How do you have police officers on site and an 82-year-old gets attacked with a hammer in front of you when you have a gun as a police officer?”

She added, “It’s one of the many questions here.

“As you point out, there are security cameras all over that house.

“You can see them from the outside – were they turned on?

“If not, why not? She’s the speaker of the House.”

She also commented on the bodycam footage not being publicly released yet, stating, “Let’s see it.

“Let’s see it all.

“I don’t know what went on.

“I know enough to smell a rat.

“There’s something going on here that they’re not telling us.

“I just don’t know what it is.”

We agree, but we also doubt we will ever get the full story simply because it is a powerful Democrat we are talking about here.


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