Media SILENT…Downplaying the Violence and Anarchy For YEARS


It’s really not hard to understand Antifa, a former member explains. They simply want to destroy America. They hate Democrats as much as republicans because they favor total anarchy. One of them went on camera to explain it all to Fox.

Antifa loves CNN

All the network media, especially CNN, has been going out of their way to avoid covering recent Antifa attacks on Atlanta police. The organized anarchists escalated to the sniper shooting of a trooper.

Then, they got upset when other troopers shot back, killing their non-binary sniper. The guerrilla band of tree hugging terrorists decided to retaliate in force.

On January 21, the Antifa forces peacefully set an Atlanta Police Department cruiser on fire and smashed windows at two bank branches. Again, total media silence. The anarchists are thrilled to hear that. While conservatives snarl at CNN for making the attacks on cops in Atlanta, Georgia, “appear insignificant,” a former member, Gabriel Nadales, notes that’s part of their strategy in the first place.

He doesn’t get along with them, these days. “They just called me a capitalist pig, and it was a repeated cycle of any time I tried to venture out of like of this sticker type ideology.” So he “had enough” and left.

Nadales showed up at the Fox News studios for an interview with personality Jesse Watters, “to dig into the media’s downplayed response.” They wanted him to “share his insight on the overarching goal of the group.” He did.

Of course,” Nadales observes, “it’s good for Antifa.” They “can always count on CNN to act as a professional PR team to excuse Antifa violence, because time and time again they’ll say, oh, Antifa is just an idea. It’s just an ideology. It’s not real.

They’re the good guys

Even the anarchists snicker about the way CNN treats them in heavily biased coverage. When “they get caught and you see Antifa on the street, it wasn’t that violent. Or sometimes they even say they’re the good guys.

It’s clear to see that “mainstream media has been downplaying the anarchy and violence caused by Antifa for years.” There’s a really simple reason for that, Nadales points out. “the media does not want to admit to this destruction because they don’t want to fight Antifa.

If they were to speak out against the anarchists now, it would “admit that they were lying for five, six years now. When they first praised Antifa back in 2015, when president, when candidate Trump first announced [intention to run for] that office.

According to Nadales, the overriding “ideology is a dramatic hatred for American and Western ideals. The group is against Democrats and Republicans equally, and promotes and backs an anti-American movement altogether.” Anti-fascism is just for show.

There is always this overarching like anti-fascism. But you have to ask yourself, what does anti-fascism mean? Well, when they define it, they don’t mean Nazis, they don’t mean KKK, they mean basically Western ideals as well as democracy itself. They don’t like the Democratic Party. They don’t like the Republican Party. They want to destroy America.

Nadales “questions the media’s relaxed narrative.” He’s personally stunned that “for some reason they just want to excuse it, pretend it doesn’t exist. But let me tell you, the longer we don’t acknowledge the threat of Antifa, the more they will grow and the harder it will be to fight them.


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