McCarthy Prevails…Deal Struck


The final concessions which Kevin McCarthy made to seal a deal, to become Speaker of the House, haven’t come out yet. All we do know is his nod to Matt Gaetz just before the final vote nearly started a fistfight. Gaetz was apparently given a board chairmanship and the previous holder went for his throat. Just before that, Politico announced the deals he had made to that point, which looked about to clinch it for him.

Able deal his way in

Kevin McCarthy was finally able to deal his way into the job formerly held by Nancy Pelosi, as Speaker of the House. It took an unprecedented 15 votes to accomplish.

As Politico explains, the “GOP leader offered a slew of concessions to win over holdouts as he pushes to claim the gavel by dawn on Saturday.

The core of the deal revolves around the concept of “fiscal responsibility.” Conservatives threw down a whole slew of “budget austerity measures” which McCarthy agreed to adopt. He also made it easier for them to remove him later if he goes back on his bargains.

The part that troubles Democrats so much are the “other, newer demands that could carry just as much weight, such as conservative seats on a powerful panel that controls the House floor.” That was really the big sticking point.

McCarthy agreed to things as part of his deal with conservatives which will put the House majority on a collision course with the Democrat controlled Senate. “Much of what McCarthy extended to conservatives, particularly on spending and the debt limit,” makes liberal heads explode.

Big government is over, warns Alabama lawmaker Gary Palmer. Politico is soothing their readers by noting that Democrats will have to sign off on any of the crazy conservative schemes before they become law. This is just the Republicans laying out lines in the sand.

Balance the budget

Democrats are horrified that conservatives actually want to balance the budget. As Politico whines, “perhaps the most high-profile of the concessions to conservatives,” is “for the House GOP to present a budget that balances over 10 years — capping discretionary spending at fiscal 2022 levels or lower.

How can they provide sanctuary and amnesty to millions of new citizens that way? Things only get worse for liberals.

The deal doesn’t necessarily include Pentagon cuts, but any arrangement that does won’t sit well with hawks on the Armed Services and Appropriations panels.” That means they can count on the drag queen generals to claw up “billions of dollars more than Biden sought for defense.

They know that the next budget deal is going to be a violent showdown. Another thing that has the blue team in panic mode, “conservatives will hold three seats on the powerful House Rules Committee.” That move “would enable them to tank legislation before it comes to a full chamber vote.

Another big fiscal move is “reverting back to fiscal 2022 levels.” That deal alone “would amount to a roughly $75 billion, or 10 percent, cut to defense programs if GOP leaders don’t spare the Pentagon.” They aren’t mentioning the Church style committee to investigate the Department of Just Us.

McCarthy may hold the gavel now, but that doesn’t mean he’ll get to keep it. “some members argue it will be tough for McCarthy to hold onto the gavel if — or perhaps when — any member, Democrat or Republican, decides to force a vote on toppling the speaker.” It’s not too late to draft Jim Jordan into the role.


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