Mayor Caught LYING Under Oath


Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser has either had a delusional break from reality or she’s been caught bold-face lying to Congress while under oath. The DC Mayor, already in hot water for refusing National Guard Assistance from President Trump prior to January 6th revealed in testimony to Sen. Ron Johnson during a Senate hearing her reality-defying claim that there was only one night of rioting in DC’s streets during the Summer of Rage in 2020.

When Senator Johnson asked the Mayor if she had seen by insurance claims regarding the extent of property damage inflicted upon her city during the riots, she stunned viewers and Congress members alike with her non-answer.

“Do you have a figure on that?” Johnson asked. “Because we know nationally, close to $2 billion in insurance claims.”

“I’m glad to hear you say that you’re opposed to riotous behavior … I know that we had one night of rioting in the District, We do not permit any riotous behavior,”

she continued. “Whoever is conducting it. And we have made arrests in both cases, in cases where we had riotous behavior here, on Congress’ grounds, and on city streets.”

Fact-Checking Mayor Bowser’s False Claim Under Oath


Apparently, Bowser was absent during the summer of 2020 when the city was wracked by multiple nights of destructive rioting? Let’s see if we can jog her memory:

May 29: The Post Millennial reported, ” Several Secret Service officers were injured including broken bones as rioters attacked them with stones and other objects outside the White House. At least six people were arrested and Attorney General William Barr later stated that the May 29 protests “were so bad that the Secret Service recommended that the President go down to the bunker.”

May 30: DC Cheif of Police Peter Newsham told the press that the DCMPD had arrested 17 people May 30th and 11 officers were injured alongside 60 Secret Service agents. Mayor Bowswer herself to NBC’s Meet The Press, “We saw a level of just destruction and mayhem among some that was maddening.”

May 31: According to CBS’ WUSA9, “Tear gas and pepper spray was again used on protesters in Lafayette Square. After saying she wouldn’t Mayor Bowser announced a  citywide curfew for 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Fires were set all around town, mainly in trashcans, but an American flag was seen burning,” It was during this riot that arsonists set the AFL-CIO building lobby on fire and attempted to burn down St. John’s Church.”

June 1: Mayor Bowser imposes a curfew again. All hell breaks loose,: “Tear gas and pepper spray were deployed by law enforcement around the White House and Lafayette Park approximately 30 minutes before the curfew went into effect. Shortly after, President Trump walks to St. John’s Church to pose for a photo with a Bible. Vandalism was seen around town, including a burnt cop car near 14th Street. Some looting occurred in Chinatown. Late in the evening, protestors were funneled by police into Swann Street off 15th Street”

June 2: The National Guard is deployed to Lafayette Square in Washington, D.C. After midnight rioters penetrate the White House grounds but are repelled by Secret Service Agents.

June 3: Mayor Bowser JOINS THE RIOTERS.  only to re-initiate the curfew again from 11 PM to 6 AM. US Army troops are bussed in to prevent another breach of the White House grounds.

The Summer of Rage 2020 saw not just the contiguous series of riots that spanned from May 29- June 3rd but also renewed BLM violence on June 19th that saw the statue of Albert Pike destroyed by rioters

The footage is plentiful, the reports are detailed, the verdict is in: Mayor Bowser didn’t just lie, she lied to Congress. She committed perjury and should be prosecuted.


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