Jill Biden EXPOSED, Mother Comes Forward

jill biden Joe biden

We all know our wounded warriors are overlooked and ignored by our government.

These people come back from war broken mentally and/or physically, and we see far too many of them taking their own lives as a result.

The mother of one of these warriors just came forward to say that at her biggest time of need, Jill Biden ghosted her.

Just Ignore Her

Tiffany Andrews, mother of Abbey Gate survivor Marine Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews, has been all over the news lately.

Ms. Andrews has been bringing awareness to her claim that Biden ghosted her over her son’s injury and helping others.

Andrews stated that initially, communications were great.

She met with the Biden’s and even had dinner with a Biden staffer on how they could move a program forward to help these families.

In her case, she left a small business behind in another state to come help her son, who was horribly wounded in the Abbey Gate attack in Afghanistan.

She stated, “My naivety, right? I’m thinking the government’s going to swoop in and take care of us. Oh, God, was I so wrong.”

Andrews then continued, “We had a very lengthy phone call where I took some notes, and I still have those notes.

“And I went over all of this with her, and she had shared with me at that time that she had been involved in the prior caregiver legislation, and [that] she was involved in writing it, she said, ‘you’re right.’ She goes ‘we never contemplated a business owner being a caregiver, or somebody in your unique shoes.’

“I appreciated the acknowledgement, and I was hopeful. And I was hopeful that maybe I’d been funneled in a direction with somebody that might be able to help.”

Vanessa Valdivia, a press secretary in the First Lady’s Office, responded, “There was engagement between our office and Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews’ family.

“Joining Forces is informed by the lived experiences of military families, and brings their stories to policymakers at the White House and across the Administration.

“The experiences of military and veteran caregivers and their families informed President Biden’s executive order on increasing access to high-quality care and supporting caregivers for families.

“The President’s executive order specifically directed actions to expand options for veterans with disabilities, and better support military and veteran caregiving families.”

There was clearly engagement early, but that means nothing unless you follow through.

And when you don’t follow through, our wounded warriors fall through the cracks.

Simply put, this is unacceptable.


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