IG Michael Horowitz Drops the Hammer on Garland’s DOJ


A new report makes it look like IG Michael Horowitz dropped his hammer like Thor, when all he really did was make more improvement recommendations. As usual, his suggestions will be totally ignored by the rats who are supposed to be guarding the government cheese.

Horowitz hounds Attorney General

Inspector General Michael Horowitz declared that the Federal Bureau of Instigation has to break up it’s Hillary Clinton Fan Club chapter once and for all. If they don’t, the DOJ can never expect to regain a single shred of respect from a disappointed public.

He’s not recommending any charges or discipline, only a warning that America isn’t pleased with their behavior.

Our toothless watchdog Inspector General, allegedly responsible for punishing shady shenanigans of errant Justice Department bureaucrats, issued another weak evaluation report which excoriates both DOJ and FBI for acting a lot like the criminals they’re supposed to catch. Once again, he’s doing nothing about it.

IG Horowitz clearly spells out that our Department of “Justice” is really “just us,” with “us” being the notorious “Deep State” government within a government. The DOJ, he declares, breaks their own rules. The department “squandered public trust by straying from its own policies designed to avoid the appearance of political bias and meddling.” They got away with it too.

As Horowitz notes, they permitted “some employees to escape accountability for misconduct by leaving the department before investigations were complete.” As the rats were caught, they were simply released into the wild. A lot like illegal aliens.

Thanks to recent John Durham indictments which debunked every single word in Christopher Steele’s dodgy dossier, he can officially state for the record that the “Trump-Russia collusion” counterterrorism investigation has been discredited.

Only part of it

Horowitz isn’t recommending any charges on anyone but America is furious with the way the whole department is being run. Evidence of one case of misconduct piles up on another and it’s pouring in daily.

For instance, Attorney General Merrick Garland turned the FBI and all 93 U.S. attorneys against “parents who complain to school boards about the curriculum being taught to their kids.”

Even liberal rights activists are screaming bloody murder about the recent FBI raid on the home of James O’Keefe. They also targeted two of his associates because someone mailed the Project Veritas founder a diary belonging to Joe Biden’s niece. To set him up.

O’Keefe didn’t use the material in any way but is taking criminal heat for simply possessing it. Horowitz does admit that the DOJ “faces a challenge in addressing public perception about its objectivity and insulation from political influence.”

Get your act together, Horowitz ordered. “The Department’s efficacy as the guardian of the rule of law depends on maintaining the public trust in its integrity, impartiality, and ability to effectively administer justice.” All that Antifa style Black Lives Matter looting and arson don’t sit well with conservative Americans. James Comey’s Obamagate plumbers “misled the FISA court in the Russia case.” They “wrongly usurped prosecutors’ powers” when they gave Hillary her Get out of Jail Free card over her secret server. There are “continuing FISA warrant problems” and “a bungled sex abuse case involving female Olympians.”

What should the punishment be for that? “One important strategy that can build public trust in the Department is to ensure adherence to policies and procedures designed to protect DOJ from accusations of political influence or partial application of the law.” Love tap on the wrist and don’t let me CATCH you doing that again. Be much better at covering it up from here on in. Didn’t anyone learn anything from J. Edgar Hoover?


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