House Files Mayorkas IMPEACHMENT


Alejandro Mayorkas is officially facing impeachment. Conservative House Republican Pat Fallon didn’t waste any time and already filed impeachment articles against Joe Biden’s Minister of Domestic Security. Fallon promised he would do that and as soon as the 118th Congress was sworn in, he did.

Mayorkas high crimes

The articles Fallon filed all relate to “high crimes and misdemeanors” allegedly committed by Alejandro Mayorkas. They called it House Resolution 8 and it was introduced on Monday.

By now, it’s probably already been referred to the House Judiciary Committee. They’ve been expecting it. The watchdogs are snapping and snarling at a whole bunch of suspicious characters on Capitol Hill.

Since day one, Secretary Mayorkas’ policies have undermined law enforcement activities at our southern border.” Conservative Americans have been outraged at his total failure.

From perjuring himself before Congress about maintaining operational control of the border to the infamous ‘whip-gate‘ slander against our border patrol agents, Secretary Mayorkas has proven time and time again that he is unfit to lead.

As outlined in the impeachment paperwork, his “willful actions have eroded our immigration system, undermined border patrol morale, and jeopardized American national security.

Mayorkas, Fallon explains, “has violated the law and it is time for him to go.” The House can charge him but the Democrat controlled Senate will be the ones responsible to convict.

Rumors of what’s in it

The official text of the articles hasn’t been revealed yet but Fox News has a whole bunch of rats running around willing to leak. “Fallon’s first article alleges that Mayorkas has failed to faithfully execute the ‘Secure the Fence Act of 2006.

That law requires the DHS to “maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States.” Our borders are a porous mess all the way around.

The second article alleges that Mayorkas, “in violation of his constitutional oath, willfully provided perjurious, false, and misleading testimony to Congress.” Lying to congress is no big deal, Democrats defend. Everybody does it. Look at the madness Christopher Wray got away with. Senator Charles Grassley still has smoke coming out his ears over the FBI director and his little “fishing trip.” Alejandro has been swearing up and down to congress, under oath, that the border is secure.

Now, he’s opening the gates to allow the invading horde free access. Illegal immigration means wading across the river. Legal immigration simply means lining up at one of the gates. Everyone is still getting in by the thousands, as long as they don’t show up on the terror watch list.

Article number three “charges that Mayorkas publicly and falsely slandered border agents.” Those were the ones accused and cleared of “whipping Haitian migrants in Del Rio, Texas, in 2021.

After Customs and Border Protection’s Office of Personal Responsibility spelled out in a 511-page report that there was “no evidence that [Border Patrol agents] involved in this incident struck, intentionally or otherwise, any migrant with their reins,” Mayorkas “slandered his own Border Patrol agents and TXDPS Troopers involved in this incident, contributing to a further decrease in already-low morale among agents.


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