Harris Gets Snubbed Again, This Time Its Real Bad

Kamala Harris
"Kamala Harris" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Kamala Harris is not having much luck with major newspapers these days.

Harris was just snubbed again, this time by USA Today.

Like the Washington Post and the LA Times, the publication has decided not to endorse anyone in this presidential election.

We’re Done

Imagine a candidate so bad that your newspaper has decided to stop endorsing candidates.

That is what happened with the Washington Post, which had stated, “The Washington Post will not be making an endorsement of a presidential candidate in this election. Nor in any future presidential election.

“We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates.”

The LA Times said that it was not endorsing Harris because the administration had backed Israel and was committing genocide. So, imagine how the Jewish readers of that publication are going to feel.

And now USA Today is sitting out.

USA Today spokesperson Lark-Marie Anton announced the snub this week.

Anton explained, “Why are we doing this? Because we believe America’s future is decided locally—one race at a time.

“And with more than 200 publications across the nation, our public service is to provide readers with the facts that matter and the trusted information they need to make informed decisions.”

This publication is widely used in hotels and has a massive online readership, so this snub will surely be more impactful than any endorsement.

And for Trump, well, since all these publications usually endorse a Democrat, this is just as good as him being endorsed, as least that is how his campaign will play it.

To me, endorsements like this don’t carry much weight, but the lack of endorsement says far more.

We are now one week away from the election, and about 25 percent of the country has already voted, so there is still time to influence people.

If I were Trump, I would be doing a massive ad buy touting the fact that Harris is so bad, these papers are getting out of the endorsement game rather than putting their name behind her.


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