Grenell Exposes Biden Pick

Biden Obama Samantha power

President-elect Joe Biden announced Tuesday he was nominating Samantha Power, a former Obama administration official and key unmasker of Trump campaign staffers, to a top position in his incoming administration.

Biden administration is Obama 2.0

“Ambassador Samantha Power is a world-renowned voice of conscience and moral clarity — challenging and rallying the international community to stand up for the dignity and humanity of all people,” Biden said in a statement. “As USAID Administrator, she’ll be a powerful force for principled American engagement.”

Richard Grenell, former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence, was quick to criticize the move on his twitter. “You want the one who ignored the Syrian genocide to be in charge of the US Aid strategy? Yikes.” the tweet read.

Power served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations during the Obama administration. During her tenure, she disagreed with former President Barack Obama’s decision to not act to enforce his own red line against chemical weapons attacks on its own people.

As the Guardian reported: “Power argued for action but ended up on the losing side, drawing accusations of betrayal and hypocrisy from many former supporters and colleagues.”

The Deep State has complete control

However, as the Guardian reported, she decided against stepping down, feeling that she could “still achieve results by continually pushing for human rights to be central in foreign policymaking.

Power was also revealed to be one of the unmaskers of Trump campaign aides — requesting the intelligence community reveal names of U.S. persons swept up in surveillance of foreign targets.

As Breitbart News previously reported, Power denied unmasking people, but documents released last year showed that she unmasked former Trump National Security Adviser Michael Flynn five times in 2016 and one time in 2017.

Power is only one of many former senior Obama administration officials who are coming back into the administration to serve in a Biden administration. Among them is Susan Rice, another person who denied unmasking anyone but then later being revealed as an unmasker as well.


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