Liberals just outed a traitorous rat and they’re outraged that a former Clinton Aide would stoop so low as to actually sell her soul to the health insurance industry. Joe Biden is supposed to be all for “a public health insurance option” but millions of lobbying dollars are being funneled toward the renegade progressive for TV ads exposing the horrors of “Medicare for All.”
Former Clinton aide swaps sides for big bucks
Liberal leaning writers at the Daily Poster dug up some tax records for what they call “a health care industry front group” and were horrified to learn that an organization run by “a former Hillary Clinton aide” has stashed aside a huge pile of money earmarked specifically to “block a public health insurance option.” That’s heresy!
New World Order Clinton loving globalists are jumping up and down over television ads “vilifying” Medicare for All, sponsored by the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future which ran in the weeks leading up to the election. Now they clearly want to block any form of public option.
The group run by Clinton associate Lauren Crawford Shaver is already hammering Xavier Becerra “to focus on fortifying the current private-insurance-based health insurance system.”
Becerra is the nominee to take the helm at the Department of Health and Human Services. He got the nod because of his “longtime support for Medicare for All” which is a public option.
Improve what’s working
PAHCF threw their Clinton connections to the breeze and sold out to the capitalists in the health care industry for heavy coin.
With Biden expected to steal the White House, they “look forward to working with the Department of Health and Human Services under the new administration to build on and improve what’s working, where private coverage, Medicare and Medicaid work together to expand access to coverage and care, and fix what’s broken.”
Rabidly socialist progressives are ready to chase her up a tree and light it on fire.
Hillary Clinton hasn’t sent Bill to talk to her about her grandkids yet but Shaver won’t be getting good life insurance rates with her group spending millions “on television ads attacking Medicare for All,” and millions more “to block a state level public option plan in Colorado.”
They have about $35 million sitting in the bank with more flooding in every day. They are using it to hammer home a statistic which totally infuriates the liberals.
A recent poll declared that “78 percent of voters with health insurance coverage are satisfied with their coverage.” Progressives scream what about the “tens of millions of Americans who are uninsured, or underinsured?”
Whatever the solution, one traitor to the Clinton camp is spending millions to make sure that America won’t end up as “single payer”