Florida Mom Thwarts Carjacking


    I moved to the state of Florida in 2016 from one of the many liberal cities that the northern part of our country has.

    Putting it simply, I haven’t regretted it for a second. Give you an example as to why.

    It took us approximately twenty-two hours to drive down here, with the rest breaks and all that.

    My wife and I pull up to our new house, and realize that there are some things that we need to get from the store. I’m sent to the nearest grocery store and I immediately come to the realization that everyone in this store is just so damn friendly.

    Up north, it seems like everyone has some chip on their shoulder. Down here in Florida, it seems that almost everyone that you meet is in a good mood.

    That being said, the folks in Florida are not exactly the type of people that you need to be messing around with.

    Oh sure, we will help someone if they need help. But don’t try messing with us because anytime you mess with our vibe, it’s gonna be bad times for you.

    Take for example the case of Louise Ornfuff. She lives in Clearwater, Florida which is home to one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever laid eyes on.

    She was in her Nissan Rogue with her son waiting to meet a couple of young men who were interested in buying the car.

    However, not long after they arrived the two thugs began the process of actually stealing the Nissan.

    Not wanting to get into a life threatening situation over a used car, Louise handed them the keys and the two thugs got into the car and drove off.

    What they didn’t realize is that Louise was packing. She fired one shot at the car and struck one of the thugs, the one that was in the passenger seat.

    The other continued driving while his accomplice essentially died in the seat next to him.

    The police later captured the carjacker who wasn’t shot.

    It is one of those things that just goes to show you that down in Florida, you never really know who is gonna be packing heat. So it might be a good idea to just leave us folks alone…


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