FBI Finds the Lock – Still Searching For Their Trailer


The feds are really cagey about how they tracked down a suspect and found their lock. They’re also still clueless on the location of the missing trailer. The FBI aren’t saying a whole lot about their stolen property. Not only aren’t they talking, there are holes in the story that is being told which are big enough to toss a dog through.

FBI wants trailer back

The FBI are asking for help to find their unmarked trailer. They have the guy who stole it in custody. He broke “an FBI lock” and dragged it away from their “covert” off-site location in Cudahy, Wisconsin.

He was caught red handed with the lock in his possession but still hasn’t come down enough to pass along any helpful information. As far as the FBI can determine, it vanished in a puff of crack smoke.

Sheboygan resident Erik Schell was arrested, local news reported on Wednesday, March 23. About a week earlier, he hooked his SUV up to the clandestine trailer, which officials aren’t saying was empty or full, and drove it away.

Without saying what gave them reason to believe he was connected to the theft, and put under observation, Schell “was spotted engaging in a drug transaction.

It was an FBI agent, not a local police officer, who “began to chase Schell, but he was able to get away.” The agent “was able to get his license plate number and trace him back to Sheboygan.

That means they weren’t looking for that plate from surveillance video at the covert lot. Somehow, they knew where to find his drug dealer. The trailer wasn’t on his SUV when they spotted him.

Put down the pipe

Once they had Schell’s expired plate number, they trailed him to the home of his girlfriend in Sheboygan. It wasn’t long before they “located his SUV and found him smoking what was believed to be crack cocaine while hiding behind several boxes.

According to court records, “even after agents ordered Schell multiple times to stop smoking, he continued to smoke from his crack pipe, until agents pulled him away.” He wasn’t talking about much but “there was evidence found in his residence that linked Schell to the theft of the trailer.” That would be the lock. They haven’t actually decided what to charge him with, yet.

A local news outlet found the official search warrant and affidavit, which was filed directly by the FBI. The news crews went out to the home and annoyed the neighbors but nobody was willing to tell them anything helpful.

Agents confirmed to the news that yes, they “did find the FBI trailer lock.” One which just might have a radio beacon in it, leading them to his SUV but not the stolen goods.

He’s reportedly being held without charges in the Sheboygan County Detention Center. The FBI seems to have been awfully anxious to recover their property which tends to indicate that there was more inside that trailer than air.

The shape and size indicates it’s just perfect to be packed full of high tech surveillance gear including cameras and cell phone interception devices called “dirtboxes.” They can be left just about anywhere without raising any suspicion, like a residential lot preparing for new construction with a perfect view of the nearby neighbors.


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