If you think the shortage and empty shelf problem is bad now, hang on tight. Experts warn the worst of the nightmare is yet to come. Imperial Leader Joe Biden keeps insisting that everything’s under New World Order control. “C’mon man, the snapped supply chain will be all better in just a few days,” now that the bipartisan part of his infrastructure efforts went through, he assures. The public isn’t buying it.
Experts pull the alarm
When economic experts outside the federal bureaucracy heard the nonsense coming out of Imperial Leader Joe Biden’s mouth, they had to pull the bullcrap alarm.
With “20 percent more goods coming into the country” than before the pandemic, he lied, “more products are being delivered than ever before.” The products coming in aren’t the ones being delivered. Ones that are already here are being delivered, until they run out.
Experts including industry leaders were quick to declare that “Biden is wrong and the U.S. is in the middle of a massive supply chain crisis.”
For instance, Marc Garson, chairman of IBrands Global, admits, “Well, I’m sorry to say that I think it’s a very difficult situation at the moment and everybody is working hard to make it better. There are a lot of things that are happening down the road that will improve the situation, but at the moment we are in a pretty bad log jam.”
The only supply chain that appears to be working is the constant supply of Joe Biden disasters
— Mark Meadows (@MarkMeadows) November 10, 2021
Mark Meadows isn’t one of the industry experts but he was quick to note the “only supply chain that appears to be working is the constant supply of Joe Biden disasters.” Shelves, His Wisdom fantasizes, “will be stocked for holiday shopping.”
The retailers are busting their humps to make it happen “The shelves will be stocked in stores this holiday because they signed on a 24/7 as well.” They’re all set as soon as the trucks roll up. Until then, they’re standing around drinking coffee.
More containers off quicker
His Imperial Wisdom praises the ports for “getting their containers off the ports quicker than ever before.” Because there aren’t enough trucks to handle the demand, the trains are backed up.
A group of Pacific Union railroad logistics experts parked a whole bunch of container boxes between two homeless camps, and Christmas came early to skid row.
Useless Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg states that the supply chain crisis will end when the pandemic does. How about ENDING vaccine mandates, and REOPENING our nation? Joe Biden and Democrats will continue to sit back and relax, while everyday Americans suffer.
— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) November 6, 2021
According to the independent experts, “it’s unrealistic for the supply chain crisis to be fixed as quickly Biden promises.” He’s hallucinating again.
“To say that today we’re going to wake up and we’re going to fix the problem, and in two weeks we’re going to have all the goods in for Christmas on the shelves is really an unrealistic point of view.”
Minister of Transportation Pete “Butt-plug” Buttigieg, who spent most of his term, so far, out on maternity leave with surrogate twins, doesn’t see an end to the supply chain crisis until the pandemic ends. He’s not looking real hard for solutions either. The experts could give him some ideas but nobody can find him.
According to Texas lawmaker Ronny Jackson, “Useless Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg states that the supply chain crisis will end when the pandemic does. How about ENDING vaccine mandates, and REOPENING our nation? Joe Biden and Democrats will continue to sit back and relax, while everyday Americans suffer.” Joe’s not relaxing, he’s practicing his violin on a West Wing balcony.