Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano warns that it’s time to recognize that the enemy has infiltrated the heart of the Church through “the systematic occupation of key posts in the Roman Curia, seminaries, and ecclesiastical schools.” The former apostolic nuncio to the United States, which is equivalent to a diplomatic ambassador representing the Vatican, is especially unhappy with Jesuits. He calls them rebel deviates at the heart of a Deep Church conspiracy.
Know your enemy
“The conspiracy of a group of rebels,” he writes, includes “in the front line, the deviated Society of Jesus.” The enemy forces of darkness have “succeeded in giving the appearance of legitimacy and legality to a subversive and revolutionary act.” Archbishop Vigano makes a strong case that there is an unwritten agreement between radical Catholics and traditionalists.
Despite all the efforts of Pope Benedict to assure the masses that scripture isn’t supposed to be taken literally, “which shipwrecked miserably at the first confrontation with reality of the present crisis, it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ.”
Benedict declared, in his “Hermeneutic of Continuity” that “understanding of the truth the Holy Spirit wishes to convey in any given Scriptural passage or, indeed, in the Bible as a whole,” requires the approach that “many things in the Old Testament text are types or prefigurements of Christ and His fulfillment of Scripture in the New Testament. If you were to approach the Old Testament with the (false) hermeneutic that only the literal or historical meaning is valid, you would lose a great deal of the meaning of the text.”
Clean out the Curia
Many people are unaware that the primary reason Pope Benedict stepped down was to clean out the Curia. When a Pope dies in office, Rome collapses into chaos. There is a scramble to elect a replacement and the Curia officials who handle all the paperwork and know who to call are kept on from one administration to the next without question.
By “retiring,” Benedict forced his successor, who’s election was beyond his control, to approve one-by-one the reappointment of each official. For the first time in over 600 years there was no chaos during the transition. It was only partially successful as many of the most controversial “enemy” officials retained their posts after receiving the blessing of Pope Francis.
While many believe that Vatican II was the source of the split, Archbishop Vigano says the rabbit hole goes much deeper than that. The Lord didn’t fail to watch over the council. Bishops of an otherwise healthy Church “gathered to plot their future course” didn’t suddenly take “the wrong path.” Still, he admits “it is also difficult to sustain the claim that the Council was an unmixed blessing.” He thinks “the problems that have subsequently arisen must come from some other source.”
A solution starts with acknowledging the problem
The archbishop has a solution starting with an admission that the good could have done better. “An honest recognition of our own failures, beginning with our failure to identify the problems.” Along with “the inadequacy of the response of the good, the naivety of many, and the fearfulness of others,” there are also “the interests of those who have benefited thanks to that conspiracy.” Once the church figures out what went wrong, they must “respond with appropriate evangelical zeal.”
According to Archbishop Vigano, “the solution, in my opinion, lies above all in an act of humility that all of us, beginning with the Hierarchy and the Pope, must carry out: recognizing the infiltration of the enemy into the heart of the Church.”
In response to a reporter at a faith outlet, Vigano writes, “you ask me: ‘How were all the Council fathers deceived?’ I reply by drawing on my experience of those years and the words of my brothers with whom I engaged in discussion at that time. No one could have imagined that right in the heart of the ecclesial body there were hostile forces so powerful and organized that they could succeed in rejecting the perfectly orthodox preparatory schemas that had been prepared by Cardinals and Prelates with a reliable fidelity to the Church, replacing them with a bundle of cleverly disguised errors behind long-winded and deliberately equivocal speeches. No one could have believed that, right under the vaults of the Vatican Basilica, the estates-general could be convoked that would decree the abdication of the Catholic Church and the inauguration of the Revolution.”
He’s looking forward to “a future day in which a Pontiff would correct the errors that that Council permitted, playing jests with the equivocation of an authority it officially denied having but that the faithful were surreptitiously allowed to understand that it did have by the entire Hierarchy, beginning right with the Popes of the Council.”