Dozens Of Dems Stab Joe in the Back [Details]


This has been one straight-up disaster of an election cycle for Joe Biden.

However, the Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves.

The issue of Biden basically short circuiting seemingly every five minutes or so is something that the Democrats thought that they could control.

However, there’s only so much a teleprompter can do, and what did they expect was going to happen when he had to go off prompter during the debate?

I mean sure, I will concede to Democrats the point that if you are hit with a bad enough cold it is going to affect you.

I will also concede the point that if you have to take enough cold medicine it might affect your train of thought.

But he is a sitting head of state, they’d surely be able to cobble together some kind of cold remedy that didn’t turn his brain into apple jelly. His mental acuity had been a problem for them long before he started getting that tickle in his throat.

That being said, as you have probably seen Democrats are starting to come out of the woodwork to publicly say that Joe Biden needs to be replaced on the ticket.

It all started from a Zoom call that Biden had with Democrats that involved, among other things, his screaming at a Bronze Star recipient.

Reports from Democrats inside the meeting have indicated that Biden was incoherently rambling like he had been hit in the head and was suffering from the effects of a concussion.

“He was rambling; he’d start an answer then lose his train of thought, then would just say ‘whatever.’ He really couldn’t complete an answer. I lost a ton of respect for him,” a source said, referring to Biden.

It seemed that the fifty or so Democrats that were in the Zoom meeting were pretty much ready to come out against Biden publicly, however since the meeting took place around the same time as the attempt on Donald Trump’s life it seems that they are beginning to backtrack, at least publicly.

It’s getting a lot harder for them to hide Biden’s mental decline and outbursts. If they had any sense they would replace him.


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