Biden’s ATF Director Has a Track Record of LIES Going Back as Far as WACO MASSACRE


Joe Biden just appointed an unhinged far-leftist, anti-gun, spokesperson for the Giffords gun control organization as head of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms according to But it gets even better: not only was David Chipman an Agent of the ATF during the raid of David Koresh’s Branch Davidian compound at WACO that ended in tragic disaster… no. He’s also been spreading lies about it for almost thirty years now! Seventy-six Branch Davidians died that day in 1993 including women, children, and sect leader David Koresh, and Chipman has been peddling lies for cash ever since.

Waco Lies Through the Years.

So what is Chipman hiding in those deleted tweets and purged reddit feeds? He is a crazed gun-grabbing activist who promoted apologist conspiracy theories about the disastrous Waco, TX massacre of the Branch Davidians? Yup.

Townhall reported that “Chipman worked on the Branch Davidian trial after the government — specifically ATF and FBI — botched a raid in Waco, Texas. Bad decisions made by federal agents ultimately resulted in the deaths of 76 people, including pregnant women and dozens of children.” That’s right, the new head of the ATF has made the assertion that the victims of the WACO siege SHOT DOWN two helicopters using .50 caliber rounds.


According to Fox’s Tucker Carlson,

“No one aboard a federal helicopter was shot or injured that day. The helicopters didn’t crash. That is a bizarre claim to make from someone who was directly involved in the case, as David Chipman was.”

He continued,

 “In a Reddit post, David Chipman suggested that people who fail background checks should be arrested on the spot.

‘While at ATF, I conducted studies involving people who failed background checks to determine how many later committed crimes with a gun—many did,’ he wrote. ‘This is a perfect opportunity to arrest people before committing crimes rather than responding after the fact.’

‘Arrest people before committing crimes.’ That’s a new concept in American law, though the Chinese are highly familiar with it.”

Carlson also pointed out Chipman’s outright DANGEROUS disregard for Americans purchasing a firearm to protect their homes during last year’s 180 days of violent BLM/Antifa rioting and crime, comparing them to “Tiger King”. Chipman said,

“They might think that they’re Die Hard, ready to go, but unfortunately they’re more like Tiger King and they’re putting themselves and their family in danger, and so what I would suggest is to those first-time gun owners – I would secure that gun locked and unloaded and hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky stored in a cabinet and only bring that out if the zombies start to appear and I don’t think they are.”

Selling Lies, And Making a Ton Doing It

Beth Baumann of The Daily Wire did a fantastic rundown on the absolute FORTUNE Chipman has banked in the last decade working for anti-gun lobbyists thanks to the lobbyist registry. In 2013 he made $1.08 million, in 2017 he made $420,000 and in 2018 he made $340,000. That’s right about $1.84 million in public record that this man has banked deliberately undermining our Second Amendment rights. How this isn’t considered an absolutely CRIMINAL conflict of interest is mind boggling.

Baumann called it right,

“Chipman’s gun control activism shows that he lacks a basic understanding of laws that are already on the books. This lack of understanding will result in duplicated laws that do nothing to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals. Instead, gun control legislation and executive orders will hinder law-abiding gun owners.”

A Match About to Be Struck, Held By a Liar

A growing coalition of states, including Alaska, Arizona, Idaho, Kansas, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, are rushing legislation designed to nullify executive actions from the Biden-Harris regime. The stage is being set: a powder keg has been placed. All it will take is a match, and the man running the ATF was a part of the WACO disaster and later lied about it to justify his actions.,.. we’re in trouble.

National Association for Gun Rights President Dudley Brown told Fox News in a statement,

“David Chipman has been on the leading edge of ATF scandals for decades, all the way back to Waco – and now he shills for gun confiscation with Gun Control Inc.”

Brown added, “Chipman has embraced every hair-brained gun control scheme proposed, so of course Biden and [Vice President Kamala] Harris chose him – he’ll fit right in with their corrupt administration.” according to

Chipman is a con-man and the perfect ideologue to push Biden-Harris out of control gun-grabbing agenda which ol’ Joe stumbled through on national television to the horror of patriots across the country. He detailed that within a month the DoJ would issue a proposed rule change help stop so-called “ghost guns” (weapons purchased piecemeal and assembled by the consumer thus lacking serial numbers), within two months issue another proposed rule which would laughably make any gun with a ‘stabilizing brace’ a short-barreled rifle subject to NFA restrictions and within two months publish model “Red-flag” gun confiscation laws for states legislatures to implement. The final move is mirrored by Senate Bill 7, proposed by Sen. Marco Rubio which would allow for Red-flag confiscation nation-wide, but is likely doomed in the narrowly split Senate (thankfully).



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