Biden Admin Preps for the Next BIG STEAL, Plants Deep State Ops into High Ranking Positions to Ensure Totalitarian Control Over America


Palace officials are ramping up for the next big heist, the regime is planting their Deep State operatives into high ranking slots at the United States Postal Service. The whole plot is designed for Big Brother Biden to hold firm totalitarian control over what used to be America.

Big Brother Biden has mail ‘in the bag’

Anything that the New World Order wants from the United States Postal Service will be a lot easier to obtain now that Joe Biden gets to appoint three new members to the USPS board of governors.

That, DailyWire writes, will cement Imperialist “influence over the board that oversees the postmaster general and the federal mail agency.”

Imperial Leader Biden will slot Ron Stroman, Anton Hajjar and Amber McReynolds “to the three seats that remain open.” That gives the palace a lot more control over the mail, inside sources leak. Moving election ballots around in the middle of the night and backdating them will be much smoother and less obvious next time around.

Liberals are happy that the appointments will “diversify” the board by adding two men of color and a woman. The only thing that could be better is if they were all gay as well.

Right now, the post office isn’t real popular with the masses.

Nobody wants to talk about the accusations of election mail interference, especially Joe Biden but Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has been taking a lot of heat for slow mail delivery. Now that the palace has put loyalists on the board, his days are numbered.

DeJoy isn’t real happy

Imperialist legislators banded together and mailed a letter off to Imperial Leader Biden, begging him to act quickly to seize the majority of the board.

That way, “the board could then make a decision on getting rid of DeJoy, who is a Republican fundraiser and reportedly close to former President Donald Trump,” NBC news suggests.

As they wrote in their letter to Biden, “Filling the vacant seats on the Postal Service’s Board of Governors with strong, passionate advocates for the institution will allow it to function in a nonpartisan manner.”

It will also “allow the Board to seriously consider whether the current Postmaster General is suitable to continue in his role.” That doesn’t sound real good for DeJoy’s career.

Imperial Leader Biden and his cronies don’t care if the post office hemorrhages money. DeJoy is a deplorable Trump supporter so has to go. They blame it on his attempts to keep the system in operation. Liberals whine that DeJoy’s plan will “increase postage rates and get rid of the first-class tier of mail.”

The union hates him. American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein states, “We need a strong board that reflects the will of the people. We need leaders who will support prompt, reliable and efficient service, and public servants who understand that this is the United States Postal ‘Service’ and not the United States Postal ‘Business.'” Until it is out of business that is.


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