Another Democrat Just Flipped On Biden as His Administration Stumbles and Crumbles From Within


The most vocal Democratic-Socialist members of Congress are starting to bail on the Biden-Harris regime. One of the most prominent (read: infamous) Democrats of the last decade has already flipped on him as the administration stumbles all over themselves. New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turned her proverbial flame-thrower on Biden and Harris as they re-opened the Carrizo Springs, Texas emergency holding facility  to hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17.

Ocasio Cortez’s latest screed continued and the blowback from Twitter was brutal. She continued, “Our immigration system is built on a carceral framework. It’s no accident that challenging how we approach both these issues are considered “controversial” stances. They require reimagining our relationship to each other and challenging common assumptions we take for granted.” AOC’s latest fever dream quickly took an alarmingly absurd tone.

“It’s only 2 mos into this admin & our fraught, unjust immigration system will not transform in that time. That’s why bold reimagination is so impt. DHS shouldn’t exist, agencies should be reorganized, ICE gotta go, ban for-profit detention, create climate refugee status & more.”

The venerable Elijah Schaffer, host of Slightly Offensive on TheBlaze immediately slammed AOC back.

AOC has Flipped on Biden-Harris, But At Least She’s Consistently Crazy

One of the very, very few instances where one can tip the hat to Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is that her talking points, however divorced from the realities of handling illegal immigration in any practical sense are at least consistent. But the media on the other hand? WaPo couldn’t rush in fast enough to carry the load of…. water for the establishment Democrats.

The New York Post reported,

“The reopening at Texas and Homestead, Florida is crucial because space was limited in other facilities for undocumented children so they could social distance during the pandemic, according to The Washington Post.

Mark Weber, a Department of Health and Human Services spokesman, told the outlet that putting minors in permanent centers is ideal, but for now, they would have to stay in the influx shelters like Carrizo and Homestead.”

The DoubleThink Is Amazing

The Wallstreet Journal wrote explained that the children detained in this center are under 18 and unaccompanied, much as was the case during the Trump administration. What is truly amazing is the mainstream media’s desperate efforts to carry water for the Biden-Harris regime, in amnesiac fashion in clear contrast to the flaming vitriol they heaved at President Trump for the exact same issue and policy!

WSJ continued to explain that “From October through January, more than 19,000 immigrant children, mostly from Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, crossed the border illegally, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. U.S. facilities have been over capacity with children twice in the past decade -in 2014 and 2019.”

Biden’s Time Is Running Out

The mainstream media is still slaveringly pledging their undying devotion to the church of woke who hoisted their near octogenarian overlord and his prosecution-happy puppeteer into the Whitehouse. But the far-left flank is starting to crack and a battle for power within the Democratic Party is starting to show.

It’s only a matter of time before they become frustrated with their ineffective figure head and cast him down in favor of Kamala, who they will manipulate at will. AOC has flipped, soon many more will follow.


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