Alex Jones Sues Hoax Committee


Political pundit and radio host Alex Jones as of December 20th has levied a lawsuit against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s illegitimate, hyper-partisan sham of a committee on the events of January 6th (aka, the Select Committee To Investigate The January 6 Attack On The United States Capitol). And there is a distinct possibility that through Jones’s defense among others like it, the committee may have found their own undoing.

Could Jones’ Lawsuit Really Crush Pelosi’s Committee?

File:Alex Jones Portrait (cropped) (cropped)1.jpgActually… yes it’s possible. Within the filing, Jones is attempting to protect the privacy of his phone records and has stated that he plans to assert his Fifth Amendment right against possible self-incrimination by testifying to the witch hunt that is amounting to a massive partisan fishing expedition, a hoax, a fraud of an “investigation” from a body that lacks investigative authority unless it serves a “legislative purpose” according to The Supreme Court who ruled in 1955,

“[T]he power to investigate, broad as it may be, is also subject to recognized limitations. It cannot be used to inquire into private affairs unrelated to a valid legislative purpose. Nor does it extend to an area in which Congress is forbidden to legislate. Similarly, the power to investigate must not be confused with any of the powers of law enforcement; those powers are assigned under our Constitution to the Executive and the Judiciary. Still further limitations on the power to investigate are found in the specific individual guarantees of the Bill of Rights, such as the Fifth Amendment’s privilege against self-incrimination which is in issue here.”

Quinn v. United States, 349 U.S. 155, 161 (1955)

In short: Jones has a completely valid legal route here, given that the Fifth Amendment is specifically protected from Congressional Committees in case law, and furthermore, his case and others like it may provide grounds to invalidate the committee’s existence and purpose entirely.

Based upon the language of Jones’ lawsuit, his legal team seems to have done the same reading that we have, because their complaint is tailor-made to invoke Quinn v. the United States.
The complaint states, “This is an action to protect individual liberties and rights as old as the United States Constitution itself, rights that the United States Congress now seeks to suspend in coercive secret proceedings specifically designed to satiate a political witch hunt bypass constitutional safeguards, and hijack the role of the Executive Branch while
threatening criminal prosecution against anyone who dares to assert his rights and liberties against its demands. Alex Jones seeks declaratory and injunctive relief.”
It would be truly poetic justice, wouldn’t it? The ultimate real-world example of jumping the shark. That the Democrat-Socialists would froth at the mouth and run headlong off a cliff to shatter themselves on the rocks below in their radical zealotry to annihilate everything touched by Trump.

Writer’s Note: There’s also an Interesting Note and a bit of legal shade here by the way: All members of the committee are named in their official capacities as defendants. The Democrats are described for example as: “Defendant Nancy Pelosi (“Speaker Pelosi”) is a Democrat member of the United States House of Representatives” meanwhile the RINO members Rep. Adam Kinzinger and Rep. Liz Cheney are described: “Defendant Elizabeth L. Cheney is purportedly a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives”. 

Purportedly, adverb – as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.

Ooof, that’s gotta sting. It might seem petty but we enjoyed it and approve.


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