Since gender-confused judge Ana Reyes thinks “they” can order the Pentagon around, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth ordered “them” to report for active duty. You can’t do that the progressive snarled. Neither can you, Hegseth sniped back. We’re even. Take your rainbow flag and go fly it like a kite. He’s got a war with China to get ready for.
Judge ordered to action
Since U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes is “now a top military planner,” he should report for duty. On Saturday, March 22, Pete Hegseth threw the gender bending activist into a hissy fit.
Reyes “ruled that the Pentagon must allow transgender troops.” The laws passed by Democrats say so.
The previous week, the D.C. based judge “issued a preliminary injunction.”
Reyes thought he could singlehandedly block “the Pentagon from enforcing President Donald Trump’s executive order banning transgender people from serving in the military.” Hegseth took the ruling and used it for toilet paper.
Our new Defense Secretary knows how to obey orders. The one issued by Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump was crystal clear. “Expressing a false ‘gender identity‘ divergent from an individual’s sex cannot satisfy the rigorous standards necessary for military service.”
That’s insulting! the judge whines. Reyes firmly demanded “the Department of Defense to update its medical standards for military service and pronoun policies.” Nope. Not going to happen, they replied.

Not honest or truthful
Hiding your ding-dong in a pair of panties doesn’t make it go away. No matter what a liberal judge declares. Trump’s order specified that “beyond the hormonal and surgical medical interventions involved, adoption of a gender identity inconsistent with an individual’s sex conflicts with a soldier’s commitment to an honorable, truthful, and disciplined lifestyle, even in one’s personal life.”
If we’re going to war with the Pooh Bear, we need soldiers with a clear idea of which restroom to use.
Judge Reyes pointed out that the language in Trump’s order is “unabashedly demeaning and stigmatizes transgender persons as inherently unfit.” Exactly. What’s the problem?

Since Reyes “is now a top military planner, she/they can report to Fort Benning at 0600 to instruct our Army Rangers on how to execute High Value Target Raids.” In other words, stay in your own lane.
“After that, Commander Reyes can dispatch to Fort Bragg to train our Green Berets on counterinsurgency warfare.” The judge knew they were on shaky legal ground to start with.
That’s why they “delayed” the order until Trump can appeal it. It’s pretty clear that there won’t be any other judge who will back Reyes up in the overreach. SCOTUS would never stand for it.