New Strzok-Page Scandal Information Released


The Deep State scandal surrounding Department of Injustice lovebirds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok took a new twist after the DOJ forked over this month’s batch of FOIA documents.

For some strange reason former DOJ attorney Lisa Page’s office calendar had to be “recreated” to comply with the law. Nobody knows much about the meetings because all that’s been reconstructed are the titles. A few interesting emails turned up in this batch too.

More scandal at the FBI

The Obamagate scandal got an update this week when Monday’s mail delivered 500 more pages of records from the Department of Justice, related to Lisa Page and disgraced FBI official Peter Strzok. The two were having an adulterous love affair in their off time.

At the office, when they weren’t plotting ways to keep Hillary Clinton out of jail and put her into the White White house, they were plotting how to pull President Trump back out of the White House without going to jail themselves.

The DOJ has to turn over the records but they’re dragging their feet. The whole pile will be complete sometime around the end of next year if all goes well. Meanwhile, they keep trickling in. This batch included 163 pages of emails related to the scandal exchanged between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

The interesting ones show that on June 8, 2017, Strzok wrote an email to Deputy Assistant Director Jon Moffa, Lisa Page, and “an unidentified General Counsel office official” regarding, “watching James Comey testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee.” Strzok noted, “[Redacted] sorry you have stupid NSA.”

Another scandal related email was dated two days later on June 10. That time, Peter Strzok forwarded an email to his boss, Bill Priestap. He copied in Page and General Counsel James Baker. It was a copy of a New Yorker article that Strzok called “thoughtful.”

The title of the piece was “Trump vs. Comey: Hope Against Hope,” and it concerned “the dispute between Comey and Trump about the contents of conversations the two had in private Oval Office discussions about Michael Flynn.”

Several missing meetings

A new part of the scandal surfaced as part of this latest batch of disclosure in the form of meetings that mysteriously disappeared from Lisa Page’s official calendar. The system recreated the subjects and some of the basic info from the tags but the details are gone.

The subjects of the meetings that somehow fell off the screen had such tantalizing titles as “Going Dark Strategy Meeting.” A few of them mentioned “702 reauthorization strategy.” That indicates the form used to get FISA warrants. Possibly the ones concerning Carter Page.

Where Microsoft Outlook’s exchange server had to recreate the missing entries, it added a message, “Exchange Server re-created a meeting that was missing from your calendar.” The scandal related entries begin April 13, 2016, with “Investigative & Administrative Law Top Issues Update.” Followed by one the next day for “NSCLB Top Issues Update.”

On July 10, 2017, Page had a secret “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly.” Things started getting really interesting with the scandal in December. There were two wiped meetings on Pearl Harbor day, December 7, 2017. One is marked “Twitter” held at a location listed as “SFHQ/Lync.”

That seems to be San Francisco Headquarters using the FBI’s internal Lync messaging system. The second missing meeting of the day had the title redacted, citing the exemptions of personal privacy and related to law enforcement sources and methods.


One held on Christmas Day

Then came the missing “Going Dark Strategy Meeting” on December 15, 2017. The last of the missing records was a meeting so important it had to be held on Christmas day, December 25, 2017.

Page was at one of those “702 Reauthorization Strategy Coordination Bi-Weekly” meetings so critical to the scandal. Judicial Watch’s president Tom Fitton wants to know, “How did the meeting entries go missing?”

“Deleted calendar entries, wiped phones, missing text messages – all these disappearing records suggest that the FBI and DOJ are engaged in an unprecedented cover-up of their misconduct targeting President Trump.” Obamagate is truly a scandal of epic proportions.

These wiped meetings are strangely reminiscent of all the wiped cell phones that FBI and DOJ officials turned in to Robert Mueller. Each and every one was a brick. They all said it happened accidentally.


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