Massive Election BREACH… Here We Go

Voting Election Ballot
"Voting Booth" by wyofile is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Would you feel comfortable about the upcoming election if you found out your election officials accidentally posted passwords for the election system online?

Well, that is exactly what happened in Colorado.

A staffer posted a spreadsheet with various passwords online, but the Democrat Secretary of State says they are not considering this an election breach.

Nothing to See Here

The level of professionalism, or lack thereof, stuns me when it comes to election officials.

I don’t understand how someone could accidentally post passwords online, let alone the passwords being posted long enough for this to become a story.

Even with the passwords posted online, however, Colorado Democrat Secretary of State Jena Griswold insists that this “does not pose an immediate security threat to Colorado’s elections.”

She stated, “This is not a security threat.

“There are two passwords to get into any voting component, along with physical access.

“We have layers of security, and out of just an abundance of caution, have staff in the field changing passwords, looking at access logs and looking at the entire situation and continuing our investigation.”

Dave Williams, chair of the Colorado GOP, stated, “We hear all the time in Colorado from Secretary Griswold and Governor (Jared) Polis that we represent the ‘Gold Standard’ for election integrity, a model for the nation.

“One can only hope that by the Secretary of State posting our most sensitive passwords online to the world dispels that myth.”

I know I have said this before, but with all the problems we had during the 2020 election, how can these people not take this more seriously?

Honestly, it is like they are feeding the conspiracy theory engine on purpose just to try to make conservatives look like crazy people.


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