Kid Cowboy Gets Branded By Delta


On Tuesday, March 8, 2022, a delegation from the People’s Convoy went on into the District of Columbia to meet with Congress. Two meetings had been arranged for the day. The first was with Senators Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson. That one turned out as extremely feisty it was productive. Especially, after the press barged in. Kid Cowboy stole the show, then later learned free speech ends with wearing the wrong hoodie. He’s been branded the same as a domestic terrorist for daring to exercise his first amendment rights. Delta Airlines wouldn’t fly him home even when he took his “Let’s go Brandon” hoodie off, when requested to do so. They won’t fly him anywhere, ever again. The second pow-wow with members of the House Transportation Committee didn’t go nearly as well as the meeting with senators. In the House, they waffled and weaseled then made sure the video was censored into oblivion.

Delegation demands truth and transparency

Rather than disrupt D.C. with the entire convoy, a delegation went in quietly for pre-arranged meetings. The team of volunteer diplomats included Co-Organizer Brian Brase. He was accompanied by three patriotic truckers, all fleet owner-operators.

One is a no-nonsense woman from the oilfields, another is Jerry Stetz, who fled oppression in his native Poland and was there to talk about “solidarity.” Rounding out the trucker coalition was Ron Coleman, who was serving as more of a “pony express” rider to bring messages from the heartland of America, many written by children in crayon.

For backup, the delegation had an experienced legal activist expert, Chris Marston? Names weren’t mentioned. Two heavy hitting doctors familiar with testifying on Capitol Hill were along for the ride, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Elias Alexander.

We the People” were well represented that day by “Kid Cowboy.” Without intending to, he ended up stealing the show and solidly put a rabid liberal reporter in his place. The alleged reporter was trying to create fake news on the spot.

At one point in the private meeting with the senators, delegation leader Brian Brase pulled a well worn flag from his pocket and moseyed over to stand with Kid Cowboy. That flag has a story of its own. It was carried through Afghanistan and the owner asked Brase to carry it to D.C. for him. Mission accomplished. Brase couldn’t wait to pass it along and there was nobody, in his mind, more deserving than Kid Cowboy.

Brase explained how the Kid joined them in the very beginning at Adelanto, California. He was only going to ride to the next stop. Instead, without a vehicle or much money, he remained part of the family all the way to Hagerstown, Maryland. Brase wanted Kid Cowboy to carry that special flag “with you for the rest of your life — for being a part of this People’s convoy and to remember why you stood up.” That was before he REALLY stood up.

Throw away the constitution

At Senator Johnson’s invitation to “tell us your story, why you joined the convoy, why did you stick with it?” He started by showing a picture of himself in middle school at a “March For Our Lives” rally against NRA. “This wasn’t me thinking freely. This was the school system,” the delegation member noted. “I’m from California.” He spent the last few years working on a ranch, since he lost his parents around 6 years ago. Kid Cowboy movingly related to the senators how he felt “like a horse” stuck in a stall until the experience of “freedom” he felt entering Arizona with the convoy. Clutching his father’s dog-tags, Kid Cowboy broke down in tears describing how “my daddy served for these colors.

Tossing his Ryan Bundy regulation pocket Constitution on the table flippantly, he declared, “this Constitution I might as well throw right there now because I can’t go to Los Angeles and do street photography without being kicked out because I’m not vaccinated.” He didn’t have a prom because he graduated early. Covid took away his high school landmarks. He has no idea what a homecoming is because lockdowns and mandates took that away.

His mom “went to school board meetings” and was involved. He took inspiration from that, though he’s not real happy with the way “corrupt politicians” took away our freedoms. He observed how he never would have imagined himself sitting inside the Capitol Building and fighting for his freedoms. He also isn’t happy with his state governor, Gavin Newsom. He’s “not doing anything except protect criminals.” Liberals call him a “candy” hypocrite for the way he dresses.

Ted Cruz laughed out loud while inviting the young delegation member to move to Texas, as he pointed out that the patriot’s already dressed for it. Kid Cowboy blew away all the stereotypes when he insisted that the People’s Convoy is not full of racist White supremacists or KKK members, only We the People. Then, they let in the press and all hell broke loose. Kid Cowboy wasn’t going to sit for loaded questions.

I’m not questioning your job, what you think and what you feel, but it boils my blood.” Passionately using some colorful language which the delegation tried to avoid, he pointed out in no uncertain terms that We the People are fighting to give the press freedom to print whatever they want, even when it’s lies. We’re not questioning them, why can’t they give ordinary citizens a chance? Delta Airlines sure doesn’t want to give him a chance. More on that in a moment.

Ron Coleman quickly rushed to the young man’s aid and further berated the biased media. “You keep saying ‘what’s next?’ We are here until we end this menagerie of mandates and not laws. We are a country of… Please, let me finish, you spoke, I’m speaking… We are a country of laws, not mandates. Mandates are something that come in a smoke filled room with your Mafiosos sitting in there saying this is what we’re doing.

Delegation hit with censorship

That night at the camp meeting, Brase was glowing as he described his successful efforts to get official People’s Convoy videographer, Wysiwyg TV, into both of the meetings. Too bad the videos ended up being censored. Still, we have the full report as passed along by Brian to We the People who hadn’t had a chance to tune into the now MIA livestream. The delegation was on fire all day, he declared.

Just before the second meeting, “they tried to cut out the People being able to see what was talked about. They said ‘no livestream, no media, no cameras, no nothing‘ in that second meeting.” It’s “all right though,” Brase continued, “because I made my point very clear to them, very quickly.” He was ready to walk out. They caved.

Brase was aware that sometimes they want to do things off the record when they want to “explain the plan.” Brian was willing to hear them out for a couple minutes. “Within 30 seconds I knew they didn’t have no plan.” Those of us who did see that livestream know why they didn’t want the cameras. They acted more like jellyfish than lawmakers.

They were obviously terrified into impotence by Nancy Pelosi but they weren’t afraid to admit it. They told the delegation, come back after November. No, Brase noted. We the People will camp here till then if that’s what it takes. In the meantime, the plan is for everyone to call their elected officials and ask them to show some accountability. Republicans Garret Graves of Louisiana and Sam Graves of Missouri were both in attendance.

The following morning, as the convoy stayed in camp due to inclement weather, news was announced that the videos of the two delegation meetings inside the U.S. Capitol were scrubbed from the internet. “The livestream, by the way, at 4 a.m. got taken down.” YouTube blamed the blatant censorship on “medical misinformation.” The next morning Senator Ted Cruz rolled out with the convoy, riding shotgun in the lead semi. By the evening’s meeting, along with more little wins, including Mike Landis being able to drive his special flag into the capitol, there was also a big slap in the face.

After flying to JFK in New York on another airline, while wearing his controversial hoodie, Delta airlines decided to cancel Kid Cowboy. They branded him the same as a domestic terrorist and put him on their no fly list. Obviously, patriots don’t appreciate that. One frequent flyer gave them a piece of his mind. Delta wasn’t about to make it right on only one customer’s say so, but suggested We the People give customer service a call. The number is 1 800 455 2720. Delta says you want comment, complaint, past travel. They would love to log “kindly” requests to “make it right” to Kid Cowboy.


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