GOP Has Passed It…Conservatives Are Livid

Kevin McCarthy
"Kevin McCarthy" by Gage Skidmore is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

In my opinion, all House Minority Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) just did is prove us all right.

He is neck-deep in the swamp.


What has me so upset?

Well, Republicans have again chosen to keep earmarks in place for legislation.

Conservatives have been begging for these to be removed from House rules, but there was an overwhelming vote to keep them in place.

So, pet projects will continue to be funded when larger legislation is passed.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry (R-PA) stated, “I just think we missed the mark on that. It’s unfortunate. But look, we took a shot.

“The people that are standing here at the mic with me recognize that Washington, D.C., is broken, and we have taken a good faith effort, working with our colleagues, to make some changes here.

“There was a member here that said he’d been here for 26 years and didn’t want to change anything because things are working well.

“The American people disagree with that.”

It goes back to something I continue to say.

The moment these people take office, they forget they are there to represent, not lead.

Nikki Haley slammed the vote…

She also explained how she ended secret ballots that allowed politicians to hide behind anonymity to avoid being held accountable…

How can McCarthy work around this? He can refuse to pass massive legislation and only take a one issue, one bill mentality, but I think we all know that will never happen.


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