DHS issues New Warning About Govt Overreach


 The Department of Homeland Security, under the Biden-Harris regime’s Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, threatens on a daily basis to slide further down the authoritarian slope toward becoming the jack-booted thugs of a dystopian, totalitarian, nightmare state. (See: Australia) But this latest National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin from the DHS is by far the most disturbing we’ve seen since the beginning of the Biden-Harris regime. The department has issued in their bulletin a warning that the threat of so-called “domestic violent extremists” or DVEs has been exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic and “in part due to perceived government overreach” very clearly assigning a political characterization to whom the government now considers to be DVE’s… small-government conservatives angered by the over-reach of the Federal government.

DHS Issued A Warning About Conservatives Against Govt Overreach

In context, the bulletin reads,

“The Homeland continues to face a diverse and challenging threat environment as it approaches several religious holidays and associated mass gatherings that in the past have served as potential targets for acts of violence. These threats include those posed by individuals and small groups engaged in violence, including domestic violent extremists (DVEs) and those inspired or motivated by foreign terrorists and other malign foreign influences.

These actors continue to exploit online forums to influence and spread violent extremist narratives and promote violent activity.

The ongoing global pandemic continues to exacerbate these threats, in part due to perceived government overreach in implementation of public health safety measures.”

The bulletin further goes on to state that “foreign terrorist organizations and DVEs continue to attempt to inspire potential followers to conduct attacks in the United States”. They also continue to claim that “Foreign and domestic threat actors, to include foreign intelligence services, foreign terrorist organizations, and DVEs, continue to introduce, amplify, and disseminate narratives online that promote violence, and have called for violence against elected officials, political representatives, government facilities, law enforcement, religious communities or commercial facilities, and perceived ideological opponents.”

What the DHS under Mayorkas’ leadership provides under their “Actions” is even more disturbing. As they state they are “engaging industry partners to help them identify and respond to the spread of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives on social media and other online platforms.” Which simply put indicates that the United States Department of Homeland Security is now complicit with big tech social media in the ongoing censorship and suppression of conservative and libertarian voices online, which have long been held by the far-leftist industry leaders to be “disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives” making our nation’s law enforcement apparatus now complicit in the violation of the FCC’s Section 230 rule. In effect, the Department of Homeland Security is being weaponized against anyone who views the actions of the Biden-Harris regime as Government overreach, and those speaking out online against it could be subject to scrutiny and investigation by the DHS and censorship from Social media providers at their behest. It just became far more dangerous to criticize the regime.



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