Biden is Now Engaged in Late Night Secret Flights


Republican gubernatorial candidate for the state of New York Rob Astorino has levied the serious accusation that the Biden-Harris regime is now engaged in covert flights transporting “economic migrants” into his state. The Republican hopeful shared reports from 12 News Westchester journalist Blaise Gomez with images implicating Federal authorities in what is essentially human trafficking. It looks like he has the receipts to back it up.

Biden’s “Secretive Nighttime Flights”

Gomez reported via Twitter, that according to government officials,

“Hundreds of undocumented immigrants allegedly flown into Westchester Co. airport by feds in series of ‘secretive’ nighttime flights.”

The disgraced administration drowning in their inadequacies throughout the ongoing border crisis must now answer for this latest outrage. Another stain shattering any trust the American people may have had left in the immigration authorities which have been heinously mismanaged by the radical leftist regime.

According to Breitbart News,

“The issue is a matter of public safety, public health, and just as important, the public’s right to know,” Rob Astorino told Breitbart News. “We have been kept in the dark on all of this for months by our federal state and local governments, including the county that runs the airport,” he said, adding:

“There is no economic fairness in this, especially for Americans who are on the lower end of the economic spectrum because their jobs are most at risk, or will be filled by non-citizens when they start to look for a job. … It is not fair to Americans that are dealing with a pandemic, rising inflation, and a shaky economy to have a President waving in hundreds of thousands — if not millions — of lower skilled people who are going to fill those jobs that Americans may need. There is no fairness whatsoever to that.”

Astorino has a long race ahead of him as he faces off against Congressman Lee Zeldin in the New York Republican Primary in February 2022.

“This still is a very long process and the three million Republican voters are going to determine who their most electable candidate is going to be,”

Astorino expressed confidence when he told Spectrum News 1 in June,

“We are all good Republicans and no matter who is in it — deserve to be heard and respected. This is a long process. I am confident that I, at the end we, will and a primary is a good thing. It’s not like we’re taking on an incumbent of our party. This is an open field, this is an open race.”

The Consistent Deception of The American People

This latest covert distribution of illegal immigrants throughout the United States is only the most recent in a chain of disgraceful revelations that lead inescapably to the conclusion that the Biden-Harris regime is acting in a deliberately deceitful fashion. They are desperate to disguise the sheer quantity of illegal immigrants flooding into American cities by shuffling them through busses and aircraft, via multiple cities and carriers to distributed destinations throughout the nation. It’s an ongoing enterprise with the tacit goal of altering the socio-political landscape of the United States and amounts to the very same shell game that they’ve been playing since taking power in January and intentionally allowing the Border Crisis to unfold.



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