Massive Flying Object Touches Down on Tucson Freeway


An Arizona DPS officer witnessed the Unexpected Flying Object landing. It isn’t every day that you get to see a trampoline touch down for a landing on the freeway. That’s exactly what happened in Tucson recently. He did his part to secure it, after an alert trucker nosed it off the pavement with his rig.

Unexpected Flying Object

Objects appearing unexpectedly in your path are hazards any driver must be prepared for. In Florida and Georgia, drivers watch out for flying turtles.

In the hot and dusty Arizona desert, mini-tornadoes called “dust devils” are a frequent occurrence. They’re strong enough to pick up some pretty large objects. Kiddie pools, cardboard boxes, small animals, even bouncy houses full of toddlers have been reported. This time, it was a back yard trampoline.

Arizona DPS is publicly saying thank you to “a trucker for acting quickly to remove large and dangerous debris from the road.” The flying object incident happened on Saturday, May 21 in the city of Tucson, Arizona.

The officer was involved in a traffic stop on the I-10 freeway. Like they say in training, “there is no such thing as a routine traffic stop.

As he was interviewing the driver for the alleged infraction, the officer watched as a nearby trampoline was “lifted into the air by a powerful whirlwind of dust.

It was sucked up and over a concrete sound wall and started flying over the heavily traveled I-10 freeway. That’s not a good thing but there wasn’t much that could be done about it.

A quick thinking trucker

After touching down briefly in the eastbound lanes, it soon went airborne again, flying into the westbound lanes. Fortunately, AZDPS praises, “a quick-thinking trucker slowly pushed the trampoline to the right, away from other drivers.

As soon as the law enforcement agent got clear of his traffic stop, he dashed to the object and secured it by lashing it with a tow strap to his cruiser.

By the time the officer got to the flying trampoline, the trucker was miles down the road.


They didn’t want his good deed to go unnoticed, so issued a public message, “Thank you vigilant trucker for your help!” If the timing had been off by just a hair, things could have turned tragic.

Another thing the DPS was quick to post was a reminder for homeowners to secure their toys. Flying trampolines can be deadly.

As they tapped out on twitter, “A message we never expected to share: Secure your trampoline!


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