Wheels Fall Off Deep State Abortion Narrative


The wheels just fell off the contrived abortion narrative engineered by liberals to make the Supreme Court look bad. Tempers are flaring on both sides of the baby killing question but the Deep State tried to make a big deal out of a specific example and it blew up in their faces.

Abortion story big deal goes south

You can’t blame conservatives for calling the story made up when it first surfaced. They checked for the official public documents which should have backed it and didn’t find any. That seems to be because the crime hadn’t actually been reported yet.

Liberals thought they could get a 10-year-old girl a quiet abortion and everything was on track until SCOTUS overturned Roe v. Wade. The Deep State backed activists decided to make her sob story go viral in an attempt to shame the Supreme Court Justices into changing their minds. That’s never going to happen but they tried anyway and it ended up opening another whole can of worms.

On Thursday, July 14, Telemundo tracked down the mother of the Ohio child “victim” allegedly forced into venturing out of state to kill her baby in neighboring Indiana. The official Deep State narrative is that “a 27-year-old illegal alien raped her.

Mom says that’s nonsense. “She’s fine.” Everything the media is blabbing about Gerson Fuentes “is a lie.” it was the Indianapolis Star who initially reported the child had been referred to local abortion activist Dr. Caitlin Bernard by a “child abuse doctor” in Ohio.

The mom never bothered to file charges against Gerson Fuentes. When he was arrested after the abortion made headlines, he admitted “he had raped the girl on at least two occasions when she was nine years of age.

Mom considered it more of a “consensual” kind of thing. She also wouldn’t give her name or show her face on camera. What she did do was defend Fuentes, who she admits “comes from Guatemala.

None of it true

The story which went public was the young girl from Ohio, “had been raped, become pregnant, and traveled to Indiana for an abortion.” Despite “a decentralized law enforcement system in Ohio” Attorney General David Yost confirmed there was not a whisper of it in the official system. She would not have had to travel anywhere to get the same services either.

Had they known about the victim, “Ohio’s Heartbeat law has a medical emergency exception, broader than just the life of the mother. This young girl, if she exists and if this horrible thing actually happened to her – it breaks my heart to think about it – she did not have to leave Ohio to find treatment.” She exists. She was also kept below the radar by social services.

This is practically a textbook case, Jorge Bonilla explains. He’s director of Media Research Center. “This appears to confirm my thesis of a domestic situation wherein the confessed rapist is also the paramour of the victim’s mother (other familial relation is possible but less likely),” he noted.


Unfortunately, I saw many such cases while working as a court interpreter.” Her abortion would have been quietly covered up if the Supreme Court hadn’t put a stop to the practice, at least until Democrats figure it out.

As he spelled out in detail with a series of tweet comments, Bonilla notes the way the mother defends the rapists suggests she’s in “distress.” He probably beats her and does as he pleases. She’s probably here illegally and expects to be deported if anyone were to find out what happened. The rapist is also probably the family’s “sole source of income.

If that wasn’t bad enough, there are probably more children in the home who will be taken away because their sister had to have an abortion. That right there is the reason no criminal charges had been filed. He wants to know if and how the child was forced to keep quiet. It sure looks like her rape was covered up and the perpetrator allowed to roam free, simply for political reasons.


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