Terrorist Attack in the Middle of the Day [Video]


The Antifa® domestic terrorist group, hailed by MSNBC as “heroic,” brutally attacked speakers and attendees of this year’s Western Conservative Summit, turning part of downtown Denver into an occupation zone. Police stood around while Black Lives Matter™ mobsters shut down the street in front of the Hyatt Hotel and confronted drivers. Physical brawling broke out while Antifa® members took turns “screaming profanities at police.”

Facebook allowed terrorist posts

Journalist Tiana Lowe “was stalked and harassed by Antifa®,” she relates, after the terrorist group “threatened to break my phone for reporting on their protest.” Andy Ngô saw it happen and added footage from his viewpoint. “They didn’t want Tiana filming,” he tapped out on Twitter.

Riot police made a half-hearted attempt to protect the guests, finally deployed “as attendees leave.” By that point it was being reported that “Antifa® is now physically assaulting supporters of the Western Conservative Summit as they planned on a public @Facebook page.”

Apparently, Mark Zuckerberg and his cronies “took no action to remove the calls for political violence which are currently unfolding in broad daylight,” Elijah Schaffer reported. He was one of the speakers at the event.

Facebook doesn’t mind promoting domestic terrorist groups to cause insurrection, mayhem, chaos, and anarchy but they won’t let conservatives post anything. Once and Future President Donald Trump can tell you all about their heavy-handed and one-sided censorship.

One angry conservative woman wasn’t shy about jumping “out of her car to confront Antifa® who threw a projectile at her vehicle.”

They were also filmed pounding “on the windows of the Hyatt Hotel to harass attendees” and commanding guests sympathetic with their cause to “pee on the floor.” If that isn’t acting like a terrorist then what is?

Fiercely jubilant opposition

The event was scaled-down for 2021 due to the Asian Andromeda Strain and all the quarantine restrictions. Entry to the conclave which was gathered by the Colorado Christian University Institute, “was limited to just 500 people this year.”

Antifa® terrorist groups quickly realized they could vastly outnumber the conservatives and decided to plan an attack. On Facebook. They got away with it too.

The “Western BLM-Antifa® Summit” protest was proudly announced on Facebook, “encouraging like-minded demonstrators to come join in on ‘two days of fiercely jubilant opposition to the Western Conservative Summit.'”

Everybody knows that the riot “was organized by the Front Range Mutual Aid Network, Denver Communists, Denver Action Network, Anti-Repression Colorado, Anon Resistance Movement, Front Range Community Defense Collective, and WITCH Denver.” Domestic terrorist groups, each and every one. There have been ZERO arrests.

The terrorist crew even passed out flyers advertising that their “general approach is to outnumber and outshine the far right. We want to send these worms back into their holes, demoralized and isolated.”

They did a good job of it. “The mob harassed people heading in and out of the hotel, yelled at people with bullhorns, blocked traffic, and threatened citizens they believed were attending the summit.”


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