Maryland Decides to Enforce The Law After All


The Montgomery County Police grudgingly agreed to enforce Maryland law. They have a hard time getting out of doing it when the crimes are being committed at the homes of Supreme Court Justices. They don’t want to arrest baby-killers and have been avoiding it for a couple of months but the law says they have to and their bosses are actually making them do it.

Maryland agrees to enforce law

Actually enforcing the law is something that the Montgomery County Police in Maryland have a hard time wrapping their heads around. They were under the impression that Democrat protesters are considered “peaceful” no matter what they are doing, even when that means burning and looting.

Screaming through bullhorns at 3:00 in the morning is usually “protected” free speech for liberals. On the other hand, any deplorable daring to wear a MAGA hat inside the beltway is going to jail. Especially, if the vehicle they drove in with burns diesel.

On Wednesday, July 13, the police department tweeted out a message to all the anarchists in Maryland. They wanted to make sure everyone knows they are being forced into enforcing local law, it’s not something they would do if they had a choice.

Please note: MCPD supports the first amendment right to protest, however anyone violating the disorderly conduct statute, may be subject to arrest.” Don’t make us do it, they beg.

To make sure everyone associated with Antifa® and Black Lives Matter™ get the memo, they posted the offensive Maryland statutes on their web page. “Applicable laws regarding protests in Montgomery County have been added to the MCPD website.

They went out of their way to assure CNN that it won’t be necessary to “clear protesters outside of justices’ homes for simply gathering.


No disturbing the peace

Liberal baby killers can stand on the sidewalk day and night. They can give the justices and their families all the icy glares they can manage.

That really is protected free speech. Maryland police are now unhappy to announce that “bullhorns, drums or any loud behavior” are verboten moving forward. Those things were illegal before. The police just allowed it to happen.

For weeks now, dozens of protesters and one would-be assassin have gathered outside Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s Maryland home. They are camped out at all the other homes of conservative justices, too.

Amy Coney Barrett lives in Virginia so she has to get Virginia police to enforce the law at her place separately. All they did was declare Roe v. Wade unconstitutional and suddenly everyone wants the right to murder every fetus which dares brave the act of conception.

Meanwhile, in uber-progressive Montgomery County, Maryland, police were overwhelmed with “a flood of complaints from neighbors.” They tried to do their best to explain to people who pay their salary why they couldn’t provide law and order to the neighborhood. Not everyone in the state is a rabid baby killer.

It’s taken a full two weeks to get police actually doing their sworn duty. Supreme Court Marshal Gail Curley sent letters to elected officials in Maryland and Virginia urging them to enforce state laws. Those letters are only now producing results.


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