Mohammed al-Qahtani, used to be an al Qaeda terrorist. He planned to be the “20th hijacker” on September 11, 2001, “but failed to board United Airlines Flight 93.” That’s the one which crashed in rural Pennsylvania. He’s been in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, ever since. Joe Biden decided to turn him loose and let him go home.
9/11 Terrorist released
On Monday, March 7, the Defense Department announced a Saudi terrorist detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, was “sent back to his home country for mental health treatment.”
He’s been in a cell for more than 20 years. Until liberals felt sorry for him and let him go.
Al-Qahtani was one of al Qaeda’s elite, chosen as an operative to hijack United Airlines Flight 93. After missing his plane, he split and made a run for the border.
He got through ours like a ghost but was captured near the border with Afghanistan in December 2001. The terrorist was promptly shipped to Cuba and has been in the Bay detention facility since February 2002.
Once they got their hands on him, they used a blow torch to find out what the terrorist knew. What they left over after the torture and interrogation was tossed back in his cell to rot. Charges against him were dropped in 2008 but there was no way such a dangerous animal could be released. He wasn’t.
This past February, the Obama established “Periodic Review Board” Recommended repatriating al-Qahtani to a mental health facility in Saudi Arabia.
No longer necessary
Liberals created the review board to “determine whether detainees at the facility were guilty.” When they got a look at al-Qahtani they figured he’s not going to be much of a terrorist threat to anyone anymore.
He’s so mentally toasted that “continued law of war detention of the detainee is no longer necessary to protect against a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States.” Unless, he still has enough left in him to pull the ripcord on a suicide vest.
If Joe Biden gets his way, they’ll let all the gitmo terrorist prisoners go. According to the Defense Department, Uncle Sam “appreciates the willingness of Saudi Arabia and other partners to support ongoing U.S. efforts toward a deliberate and thorough process focused on responsibly reducing the detainee population and ultimately closing of the Guantanamo Bay facility.”
The Saudis have plenty of money, let them feed the prisoners.
CNN says that the failed hijacker doesn’t even realize he was once a terrorist. He has lawyers who argue al-Qahtani is “severely mentally ill, battling schizophrenia, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder as a result of his torture.”
He still has nightmares of being waterboarded. Even his lawyer thinks sending him home does not mean “justice was done.” He’s simply glad “his client will be able to receive the care he needs back in Saudi Arabia.“