Judge Orders: Laptop Files MUST BE RELEASED


A judge has finally ordered the release of some files that have been lurking in the laptop of Seth Rich. The unsolved murder of the DNC’s voter expansion data director has been fascinating America since it happened. Nobody believes it was a robbery gone wrong.

FOIA uncovers Seth Rich files

Speculation has been swirling that DNC employee Seth Rich was murdered on July 10, 2016 because he was the one who leaked highly embarrassing Democrat emails. Other theories suggest that rather than the leaker, he may have been ready to blow the whistle on the real culprit.

The armchair Clue game suggests Imran Awan did it in the DNC headquarters with an Ubuntu Boot Flash. But, that’s another story.

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks “suggested that a DNC insider was the source of the emails published by Wikileaks.” Right after the files hit the street Rich was murdered. There in no doubt it was homicide but nobody believes the “official” story. Police called the young staffer’s death “the result of a failed robbery.”

Nothing was stolen. “suspicions that anything more than robbery was involved in his death have been labeled ‘conspiracy theories‘,” American Thinker writes.

The family of Seth Rich “has successfully sued and received apologies and settlements from several parties, including Fox News, for allegations about his death.” That didn’t stop the rumors. “The behavior of the FBI has continued to raise suspicions.

That’s why Brian Huddleston filed FOIA requests. Then, he hired attorney Ty Clevenger when those requests were denied. Clevenger convinced the judge to have the FBI cut them loose.

We don’t have any, FBI lies

At first, the FBI tried to lie to Huddleston, claiming “that it didn’t have any information on Rich.” His lawyer had a whole bunch of proof they were lying and “his FOIA lawsuit proved that incorrect.

The bureau eventually coughed up “68 pages relating to a Democratic National Committee (DNC) worker who was shot dead in 2016 in Washington, including an investigative summary that appears to suggest that someone could have paid for his death.” That sort of blows a huge hole in the robbery theory.

Rich was fatally shot “in the early morning hours on July 16, 2016, near his home in the nation’s capital.” According to the freshly released information, “top Department of Justice officials met in 2018 and discussed Rich’s murder.

They “reviewed Rich’s financial records and didn’t identify any unusual deposits or withdrawals.” The FBI “admitted for the first time” in court proceedings “that it had come into possession of files.

The kicker is on a separate page. It still has some magic marker but the clear text reads “given [redacted] it is conceivable that an individual or group would want to pay for his death.” As attorney Ty Clevenger observed, “That doesn’t sound like a random street robbery.

Even though they knew it then, the FBI sat on the Seth Rich laptop until now. Put it next to Hunter Biden’s and that shows a pattern. Even so, you won’t find many willing to connect the trail of bread crumbs.


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