Residents of New York state want alleged Governor Andrew Cuomo out. They’ll have him removed from office one way or another, even if they have to physically drag him away. Thanks to Democrat policies, law and order provided by trained police is a thing of the past, so vigilantes are back in style.
Cuomo on the outs
As soon as New York’s Attorney General Letitia James released the outcome from her investigation into the sexual harassment claims against Cuomo, his constituents started howling for him to be removed from office.
Resign or be impeached is the choice he was given. A Marist poll taken Tuesday evening, August 3, reveals that a full 59% of New Yorkers” said the gropey governor “should resign or be removed from office based on the revelations of the AG’s report.”
What she put down on paper is that the allegations seem to be true. At least solid enough to prosecute.
The report says Cuomo “sexually harassed multiple women, creating a toxic work environment.” As soon as it hit the streets, local residents started collecting feathers and roof tar.
That same poll which shows how unhappy New Yorkers are with Cuomo shows that the same sentiment has spilled over to splatter on the rest their liberal leadership failures.
“78% said it’s time for new state leadership, up from 58% in February. A little less than half (44%) said they think the Governor did something illegal.” Perhaps unsurprisingly, “11% said he deserved to be reelected.”
Court of public opinion
Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, who happens to be the Director of the Marist Poll, notes that the “court of public opinion believes the allegations against Governor Cuomo warrant his removal from office.” It’s as clear as one of those Jumbotron screens in Times Square.
“If he does not resign, nearly six in ten New Yorkers believe he should be impeached. Even if he survives this scandal, his reelection prospects are rock bottom with even his Democratic base deserting him.”
Cuomo stands accused of assaulting “at least 11 women.” As part of the coverup, he “then retaliated against a former employee who complained publicly about his conduct.” At least, that’s what the AG’s report says.
Her “165-page report, which comprises interviews with 179 witnesses and a review of tens of thousands of documents, also said that Cuomo’s office was riddled with fear and intimidation and was a hostile work environment for many staffers.”
Along with “members of his own staff, members of the public and other state employees,” he assaulted an officer. A “state trooper on his protective detail.” According to the report, Cuomo “engaged in nonconsensual touching, groping, kissing and hugging, and made inappropriate comments toward numerous women.”
It doesn’t even mention the COVID nursing home debacle. That’s enough to get him a ride out of town on a rail, along with the tar and feathers.