He’s Been Wrongfully Detained…Public OUTRAGE


The lawyer for improperly detained American ally Abdul Wasi Safi is rightfully outraged and she’s going public about it. “If anyone has a legitimate asylum claim, it’s him.

Afghan ally wrongfully detained

American ally Abdul Wasi Safi is being treated like a terrorist and it isn’t fair. The Afghan soldier was trained by U.S. forces and fought right beside them against the Taliban.

When Penn Biden Center alum Antony “Blinky” Blinken pulled out of Kabul, in a botched operation which makes Saigon look better, they left our allies behind to die. Safi fought his way to our border and now he’s facing deportation to an instant death sentence, after more Taliban torture.

Safi is begging for asylum. There aren’t thousands of him, just one. He’s a well documented American ally. Instead of getting a free cell phone and a bus ride to the destination of his choice, he sits in a cell with blood coming from his ears and next to no medical attention.

If he had been tattooed head to toe in MS-13 symbols and showed up in El Paso with a machete, Alejandro Mayorkas would have waved him on in. He’s “still incarcerated in a U.S. detention facility, despite serious injuries, and congressional pleas for his release.

Mr. Safi isn’t some goat humping future terrorist, even if he looks like one. He was properly trained “by the U.S. military to be an elite special forces commando in Afghanistan.” Then Blinky blew it.

After Kabul fell, Wasi went into hiding, hoping to eventually receive a special immigrant visa to legally move to the United States.” It wasn’t an easy journey to America’s doorstep but our ally made it. With sanctuary finally in sight, he got nothing but more abuse.

Serious injuries little treatment

After making it through Pakistan alive, though injured, our loyal ally made it to Brazil. From there he trekked through a total of ten separate third world Latin American nations, getting beaten and robbed repeatedly along the way.

He deserves a medal but that’s not what he got. “When he finally reached the United States, he was arrested at the border trying to cross the Rio Grande.

Making things worse, according to his immigration attorney Jennifer Cervantes, our ally “has been given little, if any, pain medication, despite the serious injuries he endured while traveling to the United States.

They haven’t actually let her see her client yet but she did see his medical records. Safi “is bleeding from his ears, has lost a tooth, and another is beginning to fall out.

The whole reason Safi made the perilous journey to America is because he was promised help for his part in the fight against the Taliban. After escaping “near certain death in Afghanistan,” what “he got was detained by Customs and Border Patrol.” She also emphasizes “the threat to Wasi’s life, should he be deported to Afghanistan, is very real.

The Taliban has the exact same biometric data on him that the Pentagon has, we left it for them. That means “it’s not whether he’ll be killed, it’s when.” According to lawmaker Michael Waltz, “it would literally take one call from the Defense Department.” The only problem is that the Pentagon “just wants Afghanistan to go away.” They want Safi to just go away, too. “They just literally don’t want to deal with it any longer.” After all, he’s a proven American ally. “If anyone has a legitimate asylum claim, it’s him.


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