Governor Decides to Take Socialism Into His Own Hands, Signs New Law


Illinois’ Democrat Governor J.B. Pritzker personally picked the state’s newest Socialism program up off the pile with his very own hands and signed it into law. Healthcare must be accessible to the masses, at any cost, so the measure slashes oversight in favor of expedience.

Socialist law in effect now

Even the state’s alleged Republicans were in on the socialist scheme. The new law was co-sponsored by RINO Rep. Jeff Keicher of Sycamore. Liberal lawmakers in the state demanded that healthcare be “accessible” to “the most vulnerable residents in the western suburbs of the state.”

Because the private sector owners couldn’t run Westlake Hospital at a profit, they were forced to close the doors in 2019. Pritzker forced it to reopen briefly in 2020 to handle the covid pandemic but then it went back into mothballs.

Everyone on both sides of the aisle got behind the proposal in the Illinois General Assembly. As soon as it was signed into law, RINO Keicher declared on social media, this “is the kind of collaboration we need more of in state government.”

He likes working with liberals to “solve challenges that rise far above and beyond partisan distinctions.” Chicago can do without police funding so they can divert those tax dollars to subsidizing the hospital, problem solved.

Senate Bill 168 had lots of RINO help in the House and became effective on April 6, the very moment when Pritzker stroked off on it with his pen. Everyone is thrilled how the law “expands equitable access to healthcare in Melrose Park.”

So what if the Westlake Hospital in Cook County will hemorrhage red ink. “Healthcare is a right, not a privilege and making sure people have equal access to quality healthcare is a top priority for this administration,” Pritzker gloated in a news release.

Without medical care

Conservatives have a hard time protecting the public wallet from liberal pickpockets when the bottom line is that somebody really does need to make sure everyone has the opportunity to get medical care when they need it.

“Reopening Westlake Hospital is a step toward addressing longstanding disparities in our healthcare system that have left some residents without the medical care they desperately need.” The law will go a long way toward solving that particular crisis.

The Governor also had kind words for “Speaker Welch and Representative Willis for their steadfast commitment to their constituents and residents across the state who have been underserved for far too long.”

The law made changes to the procedures to “expedite” the process of certification. Slashing the red tape, “instead of requiring a certification of need, the process is now expedited to allow for an exemption pertaining to the acquisition process.”

Democrats found a willing “party” who is “interested in reestablishing the hospital” as long as the taxpayer picks up the losses they sustain in operations. As part of the let’s make a deal game, the unknown investor must “Commit to spending at least $20 million to reestablish the hospital, which includes the cost of land acquisition, building acquisition, new construction, and new equipment.”

After that the law requires them to treat just about anybody on demand. “Adopt and maintain a charity care policy that is no less restrictive than what was in place prior to the closure for at least two years.” Of course they will still have to “Accept Medicaid and Managed Care Organization patients.”


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