All you have to do is follow the money. Far upstream you hit the Deep State spring of unlimited resources, controlled by a handful of elite and powerful people. The writing has been on the wall in blazing neon letters since 1950 but nobody bothered to read them. “We shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.” In 1991, David Rockefeller had nothing but praise for his media partners, “The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications.” Thanks to them, their “work” was then “much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government.” Flash forward to today.
Money makes the world go round
It always comes down to money. Murphy’s Golden Rule of “whoever has the gold, makes the rules.” Election integrity is a phrase forbidden to be uttered in polite society. The constitution has been “debunked.” Crime has been “decriminalized.” Police have been “defunded.”
Our borders were erased. Joe Biden was set up in a puppet government acting as “governor” of the central part of the North American continent. The New World Order bankers are clearly pulling his strings.
In 1950, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s financial advisor James Warburg, part of a “banking family” which stood to make a huge pile of money “from world government,” promised the Senate that “we shall have world government whether you like it or not, by conquest or consent.”
In 1991, David Rockefeller gave the Trilateral Commission an update on how the plot was progressing. He had nothing but praise for his pet newspapers.
“We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications,” he began. For “their promises of discretion for almost forty years.” Since the Senate hearing in 1950, in fact.
Their Deep State work of passing out money to buy politicians and industry leaders was “now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a World Government.” To the members of the Trilateral commission, the “supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

More than 70 years
In reality the Deep State plot to build a world government ruled by the elite and their money began around 100 years ago. It’s only the coverup which has been around for 70 years.
Before that, nobody knew or cared what rich people did because there was nothing they could do about it anyway. Now, we know exactly why Donald Trump and his Make America Great Again nationalism was such a threat to the New World Order.
George Washington saw this coming in his crystal ball. The year he assumed office as our very first president, 1789, a “small cadre of interconnected bankers was already well-established in England, France, Austria, Germany, and Italy.”
They made the founding fathers nervous because the shady bankers, American Thinker explains, used their virtually unlimited money to take “advantage of the chaos.” At the time, there was a major “rejection of Roman Catholicism.” That led to “social breakdown and vehement hatreds that grew out of the Protestant Reformation.” Even then, Deep State elite were “funding both sides of the many resultant wars and revolutions and then funding the peace afterward.”
America is a whole lot different from Europe. We’re “isolated by two oceans” and also “developed a stable and productive society away from the horrors of Europe.” Americans were already mostly “Protestant” so had no “Roman Catholic experience to reject.” We made things harder for the forces of darkness because we “did reject atheism.” As “a God-fearing and God-respecting nation,” we gave globalists big headaches.
Our rabid nationalism is the one thing they really can’t tolerate and they can’t buy submission with money. Decentralizing authority, called “Federalism,” is “one of the philosophical anchors to that framework.” Ordered liberty through America’s unique and irreplaceable Rule of Law.
Dissent not healthy
It was the charter for the First Bank of the United States which really started the war of 1812. The money men weren’t happy that Uncle Sam wouldn’t renew it “amid great public opposition in 1811.”
Historians say “the Bank of England had a leading role in the decision to go to war. Had the Bank of England not wanted the war, it likely would not have happened.” Andrew Jackson made the mistake of challenging the charter of a “Second Bank of the United States.”
The next time the charter came up for renewal, in 1832, Andy Jackson called European bankers “a den of vipers and thieves.” He was soon “attacked by an assassin at point-blank range whose pistols misfired.” Lincoln, Garfield, and Kennedy were also opposed. Garfield noted, “whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation.”
After pressure from the father of James Warburg, Paul, “Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, following the model of Europe, but in a way thought palatable to the American people.” Otherwise known as “The Creature From Jekyll Island.”
It’s not surprising that we have been constantly at war ever since. In only one hundred years “we have gone from a debt of $3 billion to $30 trillion.” That’s a big pile of money. Every penny of it is owed to the Deep State bankers. As American Thinker points out, “This is the reality of today—the mission by those opposed to our Constitutional Republic is now how to get the American people to consent to the loss of their Constitutional system and accept perpetual debt slavery and control through the United Nations.”
Americans they advise, should follow the advice of Nancy Reagan and “just say no.” America “does not need to surrender her wealth, her potential wealth, our Constitutional system, or our nation-state. We are not Europe. We do not want to dispose of the foundations of our moral roots and end up as soulless atheists imprisoned in nihilism and drowning in dependence.”