Everything is Bigger in Texas, BLM Finds Out The Hard Way [Video]


BLM “protestors” blocking a busy highway intersection in Plano, Texas found themselves facing down 275lbs. of 6’5″ extremely angry Texan. What has patriotic Americans seething today is that when Police intervened, they did so to protect the BLM from the angry Texan demanding the lawless mob clear the road. The SINGLE Police officer in the video made no attempt to disperse the crowd blocking traffic or allow the flow of traffic as dictated by Texas law.

According to BLM they were marching to protest the shooting of  Marvin Scott III a 26-year-old Black man who died in March while in police custody at Collin County Jail. The Dallas Observer reports the man was schizophrenic. Attorney Lee Merritt who was on scene at the intersection in a red shirt marked “legal observer” said Scott was “Restrained to death” by eight Collin County sheriff’s jailers, seven of which have been fired and one resigned. An investigation is ongoing by Texas Rangers and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement as reported by the DallasNews.

According to the Post Millennial,

“There exists some controversy on the internet as to whether the protest was legal or not, but it’s clear in the state of TX that blocking traffic is not allowed as part of any legal protest.”

Everything is Bigger in Texas

The unidentified man clearly towered over both the police officer at the scene and all of the BLM mob he encountered and strode up to the line and yelled at the people to clear the road. He then rounded on the Police officer standing idly by and yelled for him to clear the road.

“Get the [expletive] out of my way, Where’s the Godd***ed Cop?” He then strode up to the officer shouting “Get these F***ing people out of the road!” to which the officer seemed to refuse, he then replied “No! You get them out of here! They can’t be down in the middle of the road!”

He then strode away toward the crowd, and attempted to swat a woman’s phone from her hands as she recorded him. The crowd advanced on him and he appeared to adopt a defensive stance with his fist cocked back.

The Washington Examiner reported,

“Get the [expletive] out of my way,” a tall man who exited his vehicle can be seen yelling at the large crowd blocking the road in a two-minute video that was uploaded Saturday and has nearly 3 million views.”

Two Wrongs Don’t Make… Wait, a Second!

Multiple outlets pointed out that the angry citizen who challenged the mob appeared to take a swipe at a woman approximately half his size to knock away her phone as she recorded him (doubtlessly to dox him). However, visible in the video shortly after one can clearly see that another BLM rioter pulled a weapon and pointed it at the man!

The mob then advanced on the man and the Plano Police officer interposed himself between them and the citizen. The officer then appears to admonish him and order him back to his car. He does so and BLM agitators attempt to pursue him, likely to get his license plate. No action is seen to be taken against the rioter who drew a weapon on the man.

The Plano Police released a statement via twitter claiming the weapon was a tazer which is being disputed. They wrote,

“On May 2, 2021, a Plano police officer was dispatched to a reported Traffice Hazard call where the caller stated there was a malfunction in the traffic signal light at the intersection of preston Road and SH121. Due to a heavy call volume, only one officer was available to respond to the scene. It was later determined that there was no signal malfunction but rather approximately 50 protestors in and around the roadway. The officer immediately called for backup officers to respond as soon as possible.”

The statement went on to claim that “A female reported that she was assaulted by a male who confronted the protestors.” the officer “de-escalated the situation by removing the male away from the crowd”. The Police have filed Assault-by-contact charges against the man after interviewing both the woman and him and reviewing the footage.

Plano PD goes on to claim that the road was moving again seven minutes after the first officer arrived and that “A protestor pointed an electronic control device at the male subject in an effort to protect the female from being further assaulted by the male. Officers on scene confirmed the device was not a firearm.”

The #HollowNet has full video analysis of the confrontation video here, judge for yourself, but the Plano, Texas Police department seems to have their priorities seriously out of order. No charges have been announced against the BLM mob.



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