
Senator Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren is on the warpath again. She’s furious and howling for blood after an appeals court ruled that her carefully crafted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau slush fund is “unconstitutional.” She wasn’t expecting Donald Trump appointed Mick Mulvaney to figure out her scheme as fast as he did. He gave Democrats a taste of their own medicine, to prove how dangerously powerful the creature Liz created really is.

Pocahontas Warren back on warpath

The Massachusetts senator has 1/1024th Native American ancestry so thinks that qualifies her for special treatment. Elizabeth Warren is also sinfully proud of her Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. A tiny bit of the money does manage to trickle back to injured consumers. But, the lion’s share of the cash her bureau handles gets diverted into what’s commonly referred to as a “slush fund.”

It was meant to benefit Democrat interests but they accidentally lost control of it during the Trump era. They didn’t let go without a fight. Mick Mulvaney practically had to claw his way into the chair at his desk. It took a District Court order to pry Leandra English away.

Once Mulvaney got control, he demanded it be shut down at once. To prove how powerful it was he immediately started using it against Democrats. It was still there long after he was gone. Now, it’s gone for good.

When Warren heard the news that “the design of the CFPB violated the Constitution” because “its source of funding was the Federal Reserve, rather than appropriations from legislation passed by Congress,” she went through the roof.

This is a lawless and reckless decision. @CFPB has returned billions of dollars to Americans by doing its job, and its funding is clearly constitutional. Extreme right-wing judges are throwing into question every rule the CFPB enforces to protect consumers and businesses alike,” Warren tweeted.

Republicans, on the other hand, are doing cartwheels in the street and popping open Champaign bottles. “Congress,” Senator Bill Hagerty tweets, “should immediately take up my bill to bring the CFPB under the Appropriations Committee as it should have been in the first place.”

A scandalous history

Most Americans have forgotten the scandal that broke back in April of 2018 but not us. Her “politicized rogue agency,” had far too much power with practically no oversight. “The structure and powers of this agency are not something the Founders and Framers would recognize,” Mulvaney wrote.

He exposed to the world that Warren created the CFPB “intentionally to be tyrannical.” He noted her karmic dismay. “It shouldn’t be a big surprise to her that he can thumb his nose at Congress and get away with it.” She set it up that way.

I am the judge, I am the jury, and I am the executioner in some of these investigations, and that is completely wrong,” Mulvaney has said previously. “If you don’t like it,” he says, “talk to the person who wrote the statute.” That would be Pocahontas Warren. She scalped Lady Liberty to set up a slush fund.

The CFPB Director has three different and powerful jobs at the same time. The director is a “one-man legislature” allowed to “write rules to bind parties in new ways.” Mulvaney was practically begging Congress to change that while promising to do as little as possible. He knew that throwing his weight around could do more harm than good.

The lack of accountability should be a neon warning sign “that a lapse in democratic structure and republican principles has occurred,” Mulvaney warns. “This cycle will repeat ad infinitum unless Congress acts to make it accountable to the American people,” he wrote in 2018. It came true today and Warren is melting down. Her CFPB collected arbitrary “fines” from banks and other financial institutions, meant to be passed along to poor “victims.”

The victims got pennies while millions of dollars were “set aside for the education funding” to “educate the public on its mission,” and then spent hiring democrat businesses. For instance, $14 million went to the “powerful media consulting shop that has produced political ads for Obama and 2016 runner-up Hillary Rodham Clinton.”



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