Details of Bused People To Capitol


Guess who bused a bunch of people to the Capitol last Wednesday? None other than Army psychological warfare Captain Emily Rainey. It’s been confirmed by Army officials. She swears up and down that she had every right to be there, and to bring 100 of her friends along for the ride. Americans upset with the barbarian invasion of the Capitol Building find it more than a little “spooky.” Especially with all the rumors that it was a Deep State false-flag operation carried out by “Q.” There are more rumors that Q is a deep, dark, secret of the FBI – who work to groom radicals to carry out extremist plots on “cue.”

Psych Warfare Officer bused them in

Captain Emily Rainey, a 30-year-old psychological warfare officer, is currently under investigation for “busing people more than 300 miles to attend the Trump rally that turned into deadly riots at the Capitol.”

The Washington Post confirmed it with Army officials. Rainey admits that she bused “more than 100 people to Washington, DC, on Wednesday as part of a North Carolina protest group she heads called Moore County Citizens for Freedom.”

Commanders at her home base of Fort Bragg, in North Carolina, “are reviewing her involvement.” Rainey claims “she was fully up front about her plans to go.” Also her group was not “involved in storming the Capitol.” At least not directly, more details may come out from the investigation.

“I was a private citizen and doing everything right and within my rights,” she swears. Rainey is also described as an “avid anti-masker.” She might not have told her superiors that she bused in 100 of her friends but she “told my bosses before I went that I was going, and I told them when I got back.”

At the time she bused a large group of freedom loving citizens to Washington she was on her own time, on “leave.” CBS found out “she had actually already handed in her resignation over her involvement at an earlier protest in the Fort Bragg area.”

The word on the street is that “she quit after getting a career-ending letter of reprimand but was still listed as on active duty because the process to consider her resignation takes time.”

Pentagon wants answers

The Pentagon wants to know how many of the citizens she bused to the riot were “other Fort Bragg soldiers.” The general public also wants to know how many were experts in PSY-OPs too.

Even if they’re spooky, her group is allegedly “peace-loving, law-abiding people who were doing nothing but demonstrating our First Amendment rights.” And, some say, watching the results of their previous months worth of social media handiwork playing out in real time, uncensored, right in front of them.

The Captain should be adept at spotting the difference between patriots and Antifa but a large number of the barbarians were closely linked to “Q.” Despite things like “Q” t-shirts worn by the rioters, Rainey is quick to call the invaders Antifa.

Everybody knows they weren’t patriots but why won’t she admit that Q sent them? Possibly because she personally bused in their “handlers.” On Facebook, she posted a video “insisting that the rioters were all Antifa, saying, ‘I don’t know any violent Patriots. I don’t know any Patriots who would smash the windows of a National jewel like the [Capitol].'”

When she heard the media reports of the rush to identify the invaders, she got nervous, calling “the rush to ID everyone at the Trump protest a ‘witch-hunt,’ saying, ‘There were 2 million people at the rally!”

The officer who bused in her like-minded associates is assigned to the 4th Psychological Operations Group. PSYOPS “uses information and misinformation to shape the emotions, decision-making and actions of American adversaries.” And Americans?


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