Former “special advisor” to Bill Clinton, Mark Middleton, passed away Saturday, at the premature age of 59, his family confirms. There’s no indication that the notorious but just for fun “body count list” needs to be updated. Still, everyone is sure to mention that “Middleton is known for cementing the former president’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.”
Clinton hosted 17 times
Mark Middleton happens to be the one who personally arranged seven of Jeffrey Epstein’s 17 visits to the White House during the Clinton presidency. The cause of death has not been revealed.
That only leads to speculation that it wasn’t something ordinary or expected. Facebook adds that the cause “was not confirmed.”
Before Middleton got rich and famous as “a special advisor to Clinton and financial director for his Presidential Campaign,” he ran a modest air conditioning business in Little Rock, Arkansas.
It didn’t have anything to do with Whitewater, or anything like that, family associates assure. He was just a cool guy who liked to chill.
“The Middleton family has lost an inspiring and dedicated leader, as well as a son, brother, husband, and father,” wrote a representative of Middleton Heat & Air on Facebook.
“Mark leaves behind a company that he helped build from the ground up alongside his family and was proud to run for the last 25 years.” Bill Clinton will miss him, too.
Frequent Flyer on Lolita Express
Mark Middleton was allegedly one of the frequent fliers on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express.” That’s the party plane he flew celebrities and heads of state around on, often with a final destination at Orgy Island. When Bill and Hillary Clinton flew, they were rumored to place “pizza” orders with their coded preferences to the flight crew.
When that leak surfaced, “Pizzagate” shifted all the attention from the real facts to a pizza parlor with a satanic basement, which didn’t exist. Now, nobody can mention it without getting laughed out of the room.
Somehow, Middleton gained enough favor with the Deep State to become a managing partner of the MidCorp Capital investment firm and he dabbled in multiple nonprofit foundations for fun.
About a year after he left the White House in 1995, an investigation revealed that the golf buddy of Bubba Clinton “had abused his access to impress business clients and he was barred from the property without senior approval.” He denied the charges to his death.
Middleton was survived by his wife Rhea and daughters Lindsay and Lauren. The family has requested not to send flowers.
Instead they would like to see the money go to Navigate Counseling and Wellness, “a service that specializes in counseling and therapy in connection with the New Life Church.” The Clinton Foundation will be writing them a grant voucher any moment now.